by Angela Copeland | Nov 16, 2013 | Networking
The Leadership Academy is hosting is a very unique networking opportunity on Thursday, November 21st after work. It’s called Ask-A-Leader. The Leader will be Madan Birla from FedEx. It’s designed to be a learning experience and to create conversations with prominent, influential leaders.
Madan will provide answers to these important questions:
- How can I sustain enterprise growth in today’s highly competitive global economy?
- How do I enhance my chances for promotion?
- How do I add the most value now that I’ve moved into management?
To learn more, or to RSVP, visit their website here. Note that the RSVP information is located at the top of the page.

by Angela Copeland | Nov 15, 2013 | Networking
If you’re creative or like painting, this networking event is for you. The Grace House is hosting a fundraiser on Tuesday, November 19th.
Grace house is a non profit agency that treats women with substance abuse and mental health problems regardless of their ability to pay. They offer long term rehabilitation, job and housing assistance for a year or more!
The event will be held at ARTjamN on South Main. If you’ve never been, they offer you the opportunity to create a painting that you take home with you. And, they provide some level of instruction, so beginners are welcome.
To learn more about this great organization and their fundraiser, check them out on Facebook here.

by Angela Copeland | Nov 14, 2013 | Networking
The Crescent Club’s young executive group, mYEX, is hosting another event you may want to check out. It’s a fundraiser for MASE and will be held on Friday, November 15th at The Crescent Club.
I’m a big fan of MASE. If you haven’t heard of it, MASE stands for the Memphis Academy of Science and Engineering. It’s a Memphis charter school, but I tend to think of it as a magnet school since they have a focus on science. Students and teachers will be on hand to meet guests.
The cost of the event is a donation of $20 per person. To learn more about the event, and to RSVP, check out their Facebook invitation here.

by Angela Copeland | Nov 13, 2013 | Networking
Join Mayor Mark H. Luttrell, Jr. and other elected Memphis officials for an open house at the Wolf River Development in Frayser on Thursday, November 14th between 2 PM and 3 PM.
The project was built to EcoBUILD standards and is equipped with solar panels.
This is a great networking event if you are interested in sustainability, politics, or the City of Memphis.
To learn more and to RSVP, visit the Office of Sustainability’s website here.

by Angela Copeland | Nov 12, 2013 | Networking
The New Memphis Institute is accepting applications for their fellows program. The program lasts approximately one year and provides leadership training and great networking opportunities across different industries throughout Memphis. I’m a graduate from this program, so I can personally speak to the benefits that it provided to me.
Here’s more about the program from the New Memphis website:
The New Memphis Institute trains leaders with a mission – to develop their personal potential so Memphis reaches its full potential. All that is done contributes to a mission with a purpose: leadership that ripples from New Memphis’ programs and improves all facets of Memphis – neighborhoods, schools, government, economic development, and civic life.
If you would like to learn more about New Memphis, they are holding an information session on Wednesday, November 13th from NOON to 1 PM at the Germantown Community Library.
To learn more, visit their website here.
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