Guest Blog on 21 Words: 10 Steps to Career Professionalism

Today’s an exciting day!  Public Strategy firm Caissa invited me to write a guest column for their blog, 21 Words.  The title of the column is “10 Steps to Career Professionalism.”

In it, I provide simple tips on how to build up your personal brand over time.  It’s my first ever guest column, so be sure to check it out here.

Caissa Public Strategy is a great firm!  If you haven’t heard of them before, here’s a little information from their site:

Looking for a smarter strategy? Want to shake things up? Dominate the game? That’s what we’re about. Caissa Public Strategy helps you move forward and achieve your goals. Focusing on deliverables and the endgame ensures we win for you. Whether you want to build trust with your stakeholders, develop support for your cause or need help running a project, our team has the experience and skills to develop and implement a winning game plan. 

Challenge us.
