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How to stand out during your job search


Many people think they know what it is that makes one candidate stand out from another. Some think it’s an expensive graduate degree. Others say it’s the ability to take on loads of student debt, or being born into the right family. Although a pedigree from a good school and being in the right social circle never hurts, it usually won’t be the deciding factor between you and another candidate.

The difference boils down to something called “sticktoitiveness.” Sticktoitiveness can be observed in a person who doesn’t give up. It’s someone who sees projects through to the end. Someone who perseveres. Someone who is tenacious. This is someone who really believes in themselves and their mission.

I recently met with a newly minted college graduate. She was prompt, friendly, straightforward, prepared and open. She was confident in her abilities, despite little work experience. When compared to someone older, with more experience and possibly more degrees, one might automatically assume that she has no chance.

Upon taking a closer look however, the more experienced candidate may also be the one who comes with more baggage. The experienced candidate has been to battle and has come back with scars and memories of harsh realities. They may no longer believe in themselves or their abilities.

When you’re starting to look for a job, I encourage you to think back to the time when you were the bright-eyed graduate full of possibilities. Realize that, in other’s eyes, you still have potential and value. Try not to assume that just because you don’t meet every criterion for a job that you won’t be considered. What do you really have to lose from trying?

Also, don’t assume that because you don’t have a graduate degree that you won’t be valued. Many job seekers immediately sign up for graduate school before exploring their options fully. It’s one thing if your field requires an advanced degree. But, don’t sign up for years of work and debt with the expectation that the only thing standing between you and a better job is a piece of paper. This often leads down a path of debt and disappointment. What can you learn on your own, or through volunteering? Does the employer truly require an additional degree? Could you take a handful of courses without signing up for an entire program?

For those just starting their careers, hone into the edge you have. Find your energy and confidence. Even when you hear no’s, keep knocking on doors. You only need to find one yes. My first job out of college required both work experience and a master’s degree, neither of which I had. At the end of the day, I got the job because I was willing to show up for myself.

Whether you are a new job seeker or a seasoned professional, the message is the same. Stick to what you believe in. Stand up for yourself. Keep pushing forward on your search each day. And be an advocate for yourself and your abilities. Other people believe in you, and you should too.

I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.

Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If you’ve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.

Happy hunting!

Angela Copeland

This newsletter was originally published in the Memphis Daily News.

What’s your #1 work pet peeve?


What’s your #1 pet peeve at work? If you’re currently looking for a new job, there’s a pretty decent chance the thing that annoys you the most is related to your paycheck. If it’s not the top thing, it’s in the top three.

I’ve learned through working with clients that most people aren’t seeking to make the absolute most money for their position. But, they do want to be paid fairly. In the past, we might never realize if we were being paid differently than our coworkers. But, sites like and offer these figures for free at the click of a button.

My Career Corner column this week speaks directly to employers who are messing with their employees’ money. This issue is so common that it’s become my pet peeve too.

Here are a few of the common money messing scenarios:

  1. Your company doesn’t pay you on time. You work someplace small and your boss swears the check is in the mail. But, somehow it just doesn’t show up, day after day.
  2. You did an awesome job this year, and you got a 3% raise. Your boss gave you a stellar performance evaluation. Then, he expected you to be excited when you learned about the measly 3% increase he was “giving” you for your great work.
  3. You did an awesome job this year, and didn’t get your projected bonus. You’ve been working your tail off to exceed your goals. Along with your 3% increase, you’re not getting the targeted annual bonus you were expecting.
  4. You got a pay cut. For reasons outside of your control (like your company is struggling), you were given a pay cut. The worst part is, you’re pretty sure the top executives (with much more room to spare) did not receive the same kind of cut.
  5. You got a promotion, sort of. In an effort to save money, your company is giving you a 10% pay increase to do your boss’ old job. The thing is, your old boss made twice what you make. It’s tough to tell if they really value your skills or respect you at all.
  6. You learn that you’re not making anything near market rate for your position. Maybe you were just starting out or wanted to get your foot in the door. Whatever the scenario, a little research led you to realize that your peers greatly exceed you – and that you’re not being paid fairly for your work.

If you find yourself in one of these scenarios today, you might very well be just as fired up as I am.

But, being angry isn’t going to change your current situation. One solution is to try to renegotiate with your company. This can be a slippery slope however, given that you already committed to do your current job for your current pay.

Another solution is to begin to look for a job at another company. Frankly, most companies put the most financial benefit into switching, as they are giving tiny raises to internal employees. Finding a new company will ensure the company respect you – and it gives you a chance to push the reset button on your salary.

If you suspect you may be underpaid, check sites like, for a chance to see how much others in your industry are making for the very same work. If you’re not happy with what you find, it may be time to come up with a new plan of action.

I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.

Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If you’ve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.

Happy hunting!

Angela Copeland

Employment trends to look for in 2016


Since the New Year started, I keep getting the same question over and over: “What’s on the horizon in 2016?”

And, the question makes sense. For years, the job market has been rocky. Between layoffs and high unemployment, the stress had been mounting.

Finally in the past two years, the unemployment rate has returned to levels that are giving us hope. In December, the Labor Department reported that our employment rate remained at five percent for the third straight month. In fact, 292,000 new jobs were added in December alone.

So, what’s on the horizon for this year? Well, my first prediction is that many folks who’ve been staying in jobs they hate will decide this is the time to look. There are finally new opportunities to apply to, and things are looking up.

Second, it will become more normal to stay at a job for three to five years. Past generations may have been uncomfortable switching careers, but it’s becoming more and more the norm. Younger generations are not only embracing it, but it’s almost expected.

And, with all the switching, the likelihood of someone working for the same company more than once is going up. Years ago, it was unusual to meet someone who’s worked at the same company more than once, right? But today, you can probably think of multiple friends or coworkers in this exact situation. They’re called boomerang employees.

Then there’s the topic of money. Employers are continuing to offer internal employees small raises and are prompting them to look elsewhere. But, even more than money, employees are looking for work-life balance. Employers are hearing this message and are beginning to add or expand existing work perks.

Many companies are beginning to expand their maternity and paternity leave policies. Some are even allowing parents to work reduced hours without being penalized.

Other new or expanding perks include student loan debt repayment, and fertility and adoption assistance. More companies are also offering the Silicon Valley in office perks like free lunches, onsite laundry, a fitness center, and more.

But, the most exciting news for 2016 is that many of the Baby Boomers who’ve been waiting to retire are finally going to take the leap. This year alone, 3.6M Baby Boomers are scheduled to retire. What this means is that an estimated 25% of Millennials are slated to become managers this year!

As you can imagine, these are exciting times! For the first time in a number of years, the job seeker can begin to feel in control. Younger employees may be able to let go of some of the frustration they’ve felt about not receiving more promotions. And, everyone can breathe a collective sigh of relief as there are more available jobs to select from.

So, without delay, get started on your new career plans, so you can make 2016 the best year yet!

I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.

Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If you’ve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.

Happy hunting!

Angela Copeland

What’s holding you back?


The more people I’ve helped to find new jobs, the more I think about this topic. What is it that’s standing in your way?

When I meet job seekers, they always outline their concerns about looking for a job. For some, it’s age. For others, it’s weight. And, some are worried that they never finished college.

But, in reality everyone has these fears. What sets the successful apart from the dreamers seems to be one thing.

It’s not a MBA, a genius IQ, money, or a stellar existing job — although these things don’t hurt either.

The real “it” factor seems to be a person’s ability to pursue their goals, despite their fears. It’s being afraid, but trying anyway.

As I was thinking about this topic, I looked up a few quotes. There are so many good ones on the topic of fear. Here are just a few.

“If you live in fear of the future because of what happened in your past, you’ll end up losing what you have in the present.”
“Never let your fear decide your fate.”
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
“Fear is only temporary. Regret last forever.”
“Your largest fear carries your greatest growth.”
“Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it.”
“Don’t let your fear of what could happen make nothing happen.”
“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” –Jack Canfield
“Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain.” –Mark Twain

But, being fearless, it doesn’t mean always getting it right the first time. The fearless often fail, a few times, but keep trying. They try until they find success.

Thomas Edison once said, “I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” You’ve got to believe he had to try a few times before he ever found success.

The ability to fail and keep trying boils down to resilience. It’s that grit factor that allows some people to keep trying until they finally succeed.

The key characteristic that seems to play hand in hand with fearlessness is openness. A theme I’ve observed in both my most successful clients — and my podcast guests is a sense of being open. When you ask about their careers, the story often includes parts about how they tried something they had never done before. Or, how someone gave them an opportunity they hadn’t planned on, but they took it anyway. It doesn’t mean however that they took every opportunity, but they were open to the ones that had possibility.

If you’ve been struggling to meet your goals, I’d encourage you to spend some time thinking about what’s holding you back. Why are you stuck? Some of the things you may come up with will be external. They’ll be out of your control. Once you have a list, focus in on which things you do have control over. Those are the ones that can make the biggest difference.

If I were to guess, I’d bet at least one of the things holding you back is being influenced by fear some (if not a lot). Focusing on conquering that fear (or learning to work through it) can make a huge difference in both your personal and professional success.

I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.

Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If you’ve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.

Happy hunting!

Angela Copeland

What’s your New Year’s resolution?

Hand drawing a game strategy with white chalk on a blackboard.

I hope you had a wonderful (and restful) holiday weekend! After a few days off, things will begin to get back into a routine soon. But, before they do, this is the perfect time to put together a 2016 New Year’s game plan.

What resolutions will you make this year? In 2015, Nielsen reported the top ten New Year’s resolutions were:

  1. Stay fit and healthy
  2. Lose weight
  3. Enjoy life to the fullest
  4. Spend less, save more
  5. Spend more time with family and friends
  6. Get organized
  7. Will not make any resolutions
  8. Learn something new
  9. Travel more
  10. Read more

One thing that can influence many of these resolutions is career success. When you’re happier at your job, you tend to enjoy life more. When things are going well at work, it’s also easier to save — and often, to travel and spend time with loved ones.

But, when work is out of balance, everything can really be out of whack. In fact, a psychologist recently revealed to me that the majority of her patients often report the source of their unhappiness and stress to be work related.

If you can relate, it might be time to re-evaluate your 2016 plan. What are the things you don’t like about your current situation? What do you like? And, what would you like to change?

Begin to reflect on how various factors like money, vacation, and stress play into your priorities. What you may find is that your priorities shift over time. What was important ten years ago may no longer be important today.

Based on what’s important to you, begin to develop a list of steps you can take to pursue a different career. And, whatever you do, the list should not begin with “apply online.” Sadly, one of the biggest misconceptions about finding the perfect job is that applying online is an effective way to find a job. Don’t get me wrong, lightening does strike once in a while. But, it’s not something to count on.

Your plan should include:

  1. Look for opportunities to join networking organizations
  2. Perfect your elevator pitch
  3. Identify other types of jobs of interest
  4. Research companies you want to target
  5. Introduce yourself to people you don’t know — who have interesting careers or work at companies of interest

And, most of all, put the fear of failure out of your mind. So often, when we’ve gotten a new job, it’s been because a hiring manager contacted us. It’s less frequent that we are proactively in charge of our careers. And, therefore, the rejection we may face when venturing out can be tough at first. Just know that it’s very normal to get a number of nos before you get a yes. This happens to even the best candidates.

But, if you can be resilient and continue to push yourself, you will find that your resolutions will result in a very different (and happier) 2016.

I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.

Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If you’ve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.

Happy hunting!

Angela Copeland

The lies we tell ourselves

Businessman or employee holding showing card with text I hate my job

Yesterday, I was listening to a podcast with a famous host who was reflecting back on life. I don’t remember all of the details, but there was one particular thing that stuck out.

The host talked about working hard on her stellar career for years, chasing dreams and taking risks. She had done it because it was what she was supposed to do. It paid well and she lived a comfortable life. But, underneath it all, she wasn’t actually happy. She convinced herself that what she was doing was right and ignored any signs to the contrary.

Eventually, she woke up from the fog and began to take things in a new direction. What she really wanted in life and her original dream no longer aligned.

As those types of transitions typically are, it was difficult for her. She had to stop and think about what she really wanted, and that was scary. She worried about what other people thought of her. For a long time, she wished she could have her life back the way it was. Back before she thought about what it was she wanted.

In the long run though, she was happy she made a choice to update her path and ultimately to find the place she was meant to be.

Her story made an impression on me. Many of the people I work with have similar experiences.

So often, someone will ask me, “What industry do you specialize in?” They’re trying to get a better understanding of my coaching practice. They want to know if I only work with sales people or IT folks or in a particular sector, such as healthcare.

Interestingly, the answer really is that I typically work with people who want to find something different. And, they don’t always know what different looks like – at least not yet. They had a moment like the podcast host where they realized they weren’t happy — and they got determined to fix it.

Finding a new direction in life can be one of the scariest things we do from a career perspective. We often lose our old identity as “manager” or “director” or whatever our fancy title was. The status we have earned over the years hangs in the balance.

Often, we even have to take a pretty significant pay cut. Starting can involve starting at the bottom. And, of course colleagues, relatives, and friends are quick to make judgements — and to tell you about them.

The other thing that’s tough is that figuring out what exactly it is you want (after so many years of ignoring yourself). It takes time. Many people expect a quick fix. You know, they want to have things to be figured out in a month or two. In reality, it’s not unusual for this sort of transition to take a year or two.

I can only imagine that this is a similar feeling to getting a divorce. A number of my married friends romanticize about what it would be like to be single right now. But, when you talk to those who are single, you realize that it’s not as fun as it looks.

In the end, the most important thing is the practice of listening to yourself. The sooner you pay attention to what it is you really want, the sooner you’ll figure things out. Continuing to push these thoughts out of your mind only makes a transition harder later.

I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.

Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If you’ve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.

Happy hunting!

Angela Copeland