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Creating a New You in 2018

If 2017 left you feeling disappointed at work, today is the perfect day to start turning things around in 2018.

How many times did you think the following to yourself? If only I work a little harder, my boss will recognize my value. Next year, I really will get a decent raise, and a promotion. I’m really not happy, but I have no other choice.

If you’ve had any of these thoughts, it sounds like 2018 is your year. Let’s face the facts. Your boss may recognize your value, or may continue to take advantage of your hard work. And, you may get a decent raise next year, or you may get just two percent (or less). Staying at the same organization often yields the same poor results.

If you’re ready to turn over a new leaf, the first thing to realize is that you do have choices. Continuing to go to work each day to earn a stable income is a great first choice. Beginning to look for a new job before you’re ready to run from your current job is another great choice. If possible, continue to go to your existing job while you find a replace job. This will ensure you have the time to look and make the best decision for you. After all, you don’t want to trade one bad job for another. That’s not what this year is about!

The great thing about landing a new job is that your new boss will get a chance to hire you. They’ll pick you. What I’m trying to say is, often if you’ve been with a company for a few years, you end up with a new boss than the person who originally hired you. That new boss may or may not really buy into your work. They might not choose to hire you again if they had the choice. If you feel like you’re experiencing Groundhog Day around raises and recognition, this could be why.

Plus, let’s be honest. Companies are more motivated to offer larger sums of money to new hires than they are to existing employees. Bosses rarely want to pay more to do the same work you’ve already been doing for less.

I get it. The entire thing is a bummer. Interviewing is stressful and full of rejection. Moving to a new company is full of a lot of chance. It could be better or worse than where you are now. But, if where you are now really isn’t working, it’s probably worth it. Once you decide what’s best for you, create a plan of attack for 2018. Write down your goals to make them real. And, begin to work on them each day.

Change isn’t immediate. It’s a slow process. But, with time and effort, it will happen. You’ll find yourself happier, working for someone who appreciates you, and possibly even making more money in 2018.

Angela Copeland, a career coach and founder of Copeland Coaching, can be reached at

Start 2018 Strong

Happy New Year’s Day!

Can you believe it? 2018 is finally here. Regardless of your political leanings or any other views, 2017 was a long year. LLOOONG.

There were times when it felt like it would never be over. Right?

I mean, how many times did you consider defriending that overly opinionated friend on Facebook? How many times did you watch the train wreck of the morning news and think, “How is this happening?” How many times over the holidays around family did you think, “I better just keep my mouth closed about this topic right now.” “And, how many times did you think, “Oh my – I don’t think I can do this job one more day!”

The good news is, we made it. We made it TOGETHER. (Minus a few Facebook friends.)

So, let’s take this opportunity today to turn over a new leaf. It’s January 1st. It’s a Monday. Let’s start off a great new week to a great new year.

It’s time to refocus on our priorities and establish new goals. After all, that’s what the New Year is good for, right? Setting a few resolutions to help us target our energy.

But, first, let’s work on accepting a few things as they are.

  • If you did a great job in 2017, but didn’t get the raise you should have, it may be time to find a new job
  • If you asked for a promotion in 2017 and your boss had no interest, it may be time to find a new job
  • If you had no work life balance and were working crazy hours with little or no time off, it may be time to find a new company
  • If your work is boring / unfulfilling / soul sucking, it may be time to find a new job

I know, I know. You may be thinking, “But, Angela – I was planning to stay at this company forever. I want to work my way up to the top of my organization. I want to retire here.” I hear you. And, if you’re happy and things are going according to plan, great! You are in a dream job scenario.

But, if it’s not working… if you are dragged yourself to work every day in 2017… if you’re hoping each and every day that your boss will finally “get you” – it’s time to rethink the plan. Remember too – companies aren’t the same as they once were. Staying with one company forever is becoming the anomaly, not the norm.

People who switch jobs (and companies) more frequently are paid more. They go up the ladder. And, their bosses actually buy into them.

Why is this? Well, when your current boss is the one who recruited you, they did it because they liked you. They saw your potential. They didn’t simply inherit you from someone else. And, they probably fought to get you – so they offered you more to join their company than they would have if you were just getting an annual raise internally.

Moving around also helps to diversify your experience. It helps to expand your network. For many industries, it can help to reduce the risk that you will one day be unemployed.

Okay, so you get the point… With all of this in mind, what are you going to do differently in 2018?

The very first thing is to decide if you want to find a new job. And, if so, when do you want to find a new job? What’s your target and how will you get there?

But, keep in mind that if you’ve been with one company for a while and your pay is high, it will take longer to find your next high paying senior level job. It’s been estimated that for every $10,000 you make, it will take 1 month to find a new job. So, if you make $80,000 now, it may take you 8 months to find something new. EIGHT MONTHS! Wow!

So, if you’re even thinking of finding something new, this is the time to start. Don’t wait. Set your goal. Set your resolution. And, let’s get going!

I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.

Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.

Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If you’ve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.

Happy hunting!

Angela Copeland


Happy Holidays from Copeland Coaching!

Happy holidays from Copeland Coaching! I hope your December has been filled with loved ones, special memories, and wonderful food.

Thank you to everyone for making 2017 such a great year – especially my awesome clients!

Can you believe it – 2018 is just one week away. It’s time to get started on that 2018 “find a job” New Year’s Resolution!

Thank you again, and I look forward to seeing you in 2018!

Happy Holidays,

2017 Job Search Trends

First, can you believe it’s December 11th?! Wow, this year has really gone by fast! Let’s look at what’s happened in the job search world in 2017…!

Each year, takes a look back at how job searching has changed in the last year. And, they ought to know. Founded in 2004, Indeed holds the title as the world’s largest job website. They get over 200 million unique visitors each month from over 60 countries.

As you probably have, those millions of people use Indeed to search for jobs. And, Indeed has saved all that data about the millions and millions of job searches. They’ve analyzed it to share insights with us for this year — by country.

Some of what they found is widespread. People around the world are looking for jobs related to technology — and to flexibility. And, it makes sense. Who doesn’t want a work-from-home job?

In the U.S., searches for ‘hurricane relief’ are up 682% and searches for ‘no experience required’ are up 1,114%. I have to imagine that searches related to experience have to do with young employees feeling the strain of entry level job postings that require many years of experience.

In Canada, ‘tech,’ ‘finance,’ and ‘full time‘ searches grew. But, older programming languages including Perl, Ruby, and Delphi dropped by 48%. This is just a reminder that to stay relevant in technology jobs, you’ve always got to be learning and evolving.

In Ireland, some of the hot searches were: part-time, talent acquisition, summer internship, and new store opening. But, searches around the construction industry dropped by 65%.

In the Netherlands, ‘furniture maker’ grew by 245%, while ‘nurses’ dropped by 72%.

Belgium has seen a jump in people looking for ‘java‘ related jobs – by 422%. Searches are also up for government related jobs and student jobs.

In France, the number one rising search is for “happiness.” French workers searched for jobs related to happiness by over 200% of what they searched for in 2016. And, ‘PR manager’ jobs were down by 49%.

In Germany, folks were searching for: part-time job, education, optometrist, and cyber security.

In India, people were searching for more jobs related to digital marketing (80%), government jobs (60%), and tech-related jobs (98%). Interestingly, as the government promoted Ayurveda medicine, searches for the holistic system jumped, while searches for pharmaceuticals dropped.

In Australia, the search term ‘457 visa sponsorship‘ rose by 91%. This coincided with the government cutting back on its skilled foreign worker program.

It’s both interesting and a little nuts to see how changes in government or in business can so quickly refocus us and our job searches. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2018! To learn more about Indeed’s trends (and a few I left out), check out their entire piece here.

I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.

Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.

Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If you’ve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.

Happy hunting!

Angela Copeland


October & November Recap: They’ve been exciting months! Be sure you don’t miss a minute.

I hope your December is off to a fantastic start! Can you believe it’s almost 2018?! October and November were amazing months for Copeland Coaching. I had such a wonderful time, and can’t wait for the weeks ahead. In case you missed anything, here are the highlights. I hope you enjoy them!

LinkedIn Unveils New Product Offering: LinkedIn Talent Insights

The future of hiring is all about one thing: data. I just returned from one of the largest human resources conferences around, LinkedIn Talent Connect. This year, it was held in the booming city of Nashville, Tennessee. It was every bit as exciting and as intimidating as you can imagine, with over 4,000 human resources managers and recruiters in attendance, representing over 2,000 companies from around the world. At the nearly week-long event, LinkedIn unveiled its latest product offering, LinkedIn Talent Insights. Check out my article on Forbes to learn more about LinkedIn Talent Insights.

CityCurrent Radio Show

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Jeremy Park from CityCurrent for his radio show. We covered everything from networking to finding a job during the holidays. You can listen to the entire interview here.

How to answer the interview question, “Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss”

Being able to articulate how you handle conflict in the workplace can make or break your shot at impressing an employer. Read tips on answering this tough interview question here.

Copeland Coaching Podcast: Effectively Using LinkedIn with Jennifer Shappley

I recently had the opportunity to talk with LinkedIn’s Senior Director of Talent Acquisition, Jennifer Shappley. I met up with Jennifer during the LinkedIn Talent Connect conference. LinkedIn hosted over 4K recruiters from over 2K companies from around the world. Listen to my conversation with Jennifer and her tips on how you can use LinkedIn more effectively for your job search.

How to move between nonprofits and for-profit companies

Suppose you’re in the middle of your career as an HR professional at a non profit. Seems like snagging a corporate HR gig might be a piece of cake, right? Not exactly. Check out my tips on how to move between these sectors.

Should You Include Hobbies in Your Resume?

I recently had the opportunity to write a piece for LiveCareer. A resume is often the most important factor in deciding whether or not you will get the opportunity to interview for a job. Your resume must be concise and must be targeted to the specific position you want. If you are a job seeker, you may be wondering if you should include hobbies in your resume. The answer to this question, however, is not as simple as it appears to be. Check out my entire article to get tips on when you should and shouldn’t include hobbies in your resume.

Copeland Coaching Podcast: Salary Negotiation with Kwame Christian

On this episode of the Copeland Coaching Podcast, I talk with Kwame Christian in Columbus, Ohio. Kwame is an attorney who focuses on conflict resolution and contract negotiation. We talk in detail about why salary negotiation is so important, how to reduce your stress during a salary negotiation, and when negotiation really begins. To listen to our entire conversation and get tips on how you can make more money, click here.

Job Searching On LinkedIn? 15 Tips You Should Know

With the Bureau of Labor Statistics recently reporting that there are currently 6.1 million job openings in the U.S., one would think that finding a job would be a simple process. Unfortunately, that’s just not the case. Click here to check out 15 tips to help you job search on LinkedIn.

How to answer the interview question, “How do you handle pressure?”

During an interview, the pressure is on. Click here to check out my tips on how to answer the interview question, “How do you handle pressure?”

I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.

Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.

Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If you’ve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.

Happy hunting!

Angela Copeland


Happy Thanksgiving-week from Angela & Copeland Coaching!

Happy Thanksgiving-week! I hope you have a wonderful week planned, full of food and loved ones. Giving thanks is an important part of being successful in business and in life. Don’t miss the opportunity to take part.

And, while things are slow at work, consider two things:

  1. Network Like You Mean It – I know, I know. Hiring slows down over the holidays. But, this is the thing. People hire people. And, during the holidays, people network. Take this time to reconnect with colleagues at holiday parties, lunches, or just over coffee on a slow day. You will be ahead of the game when hiring does get back into full swing.
  2. Update Your Resume & LinkedIn – During this quiet time at work, and in the hiring process, don’t just forget about your job search. Prepare! Use your down time to update your resume and LinkedIn, so you will be ready when someone asks you to send over a copy!

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! THANK YOU for being such wonderful clients and friends to me over the last four years.

I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.

Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.

Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If you’ve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.

Happy hunting!

Angela Copeland