185 | The Economics of Pay Equality | Martha Gimbel, Indeed Hiring Lab
Episode 185 is live! This week, we talk with Martha Gimbel in Washington, DC.
Martha is the Research Director for the Indeed Hiring Lab. Previously, she was the Research Director and Senior Economist at the Joint Economic Committee on Capitol Hill, a senior policy advisor to the Secretary of Labor, and an economist at the Council of Economic Advisers focusing on labor market issues.
On today’s episode, Martha shares:
- What is Equal Pay Day?
- How large is the gender pay gap is today?
- Myth Discussions: We uncover some of the biggest myths around the gender pay gap. Is one gender more ambitious? Do men negotiate more or less than women?
Listen and learn more! You can play the podcast here, or download it on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.
To learn more about Martha‘s work, visit www.hiringlab.org.
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