by Angela Copeland | May 29, 2024 | Career Corner Column, Company Culture, Job Search, Newsletter
As children, most people are told that if you work hard, it will pay off. Working hard is the key to success. This makes a lot of sense. Hard work should be the foundation for accomplishments. For each degree you earn or position you hold, you become more qualified. You are checking off more and more boxes that make you a better and better fit for a future role.
This theory works fairly well in fields such as computer programming. It is not uncommon for computer programmers to earn certifications and take courses, even beyond their degrees. The qualifications to be a computer programmer are more clear cut than in other fields, so it is fairly easy to distinguish who the most qualified candidate is.
Unfortunately, there are many other fields where this is not the case. This is true in marketing, for example, where candidate qualifications can vary widely for the same role. And, this is the same situation for executive level roles. These employees can find their path to success through many different roads, and different degrees.
When hiring, what’s a company to do? Very often, the hiring manager is looking for what is known as a culture fit. Culture can become their number one priority. They have a good team in place, and they want someone who will get along well with that team. They want to keep things on track, and someone who fits culturally feels like the answer.
Unfortunately, the desire to find a culture fit creates a few unforeseen consequences. Sometimes, the people who are the most likely to fit culturally are also very similar people. In other words, they may be similar in age. They could be the same gender or have the same religious views. They could be the same ethnicity. Or, they may have similar hobbies or children around the same age.
Have you ever noticed that an entire team of company leaders often has a lot in common with one another personally? It’s more than being good at their jobs. They are also very similar people.
Unfortunately, this makes the bar much higher for interview candidates. Not only must they be qualified to do the job, but they must be like the other employees. And, if they are different, then they must be overqualified. In other words, there has to be a lot of extra perks to the person in order to be selected.
Don’t get me wrong. It is important to get along with your team at work. Companies don’t want to hire someone who is high conflict, and who may cause problems within the company. But, there is a big difference between fitting in with everyone and being high conflict. There’s a big difference in being able to do the work, and being just like everyone else.
Being aware of this potential pitfall will ensure you’re hiring the most qualified candidates, not the most similar.
I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on
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Happy hunting!

Angela Copeland

by Angela Copeland | Sep 26, 2023 | Career Corner Column, Company Culture, Newsletter
It is not uncommon for a CEO and other top executives to proudly announce that the employees at their company are family. “We’re just like a family here,” they’ll say. While this warm sentiment can feel good, the reality could not be less true. In fact, when a company is insistent that work is family, it’s a red flag that you may want to run the other direction.
One of the big differences between family and everyone else in your life is boundaries. No family is perfect. We can all think of an alcoholic uncle or a manipulative cousin we are related to. These are people we would likely not be friends with. But, in a family, they’re hard to escape. They are part of a larger family system that we want to hold on to.
Family also never stops. If your brother’s car has a flat tire, he may call you at midnight on a Tuesday or in the middle of the day on a Sunday. You are expected to answer and to help. Family support can be an around the clock labor of love. With work, boundaries are important. Unless there is an emergency, your boss should not contact you late at night or on the weekend. You need space to recharge. And, your company doesn’t own you; they employ you.
Additionally, at work, you should have the option to keep your private life private. Whether you are dating someone new, or going through a divorce, or are having a medical procedure, it’s your private business. You don’t have to share the details with anyone at work unless you choose to. In a family, there is often an expectation that everyone is up to date on your private life.
What I’m getting at is that work and family are not at all the same. When the leadership at a company claims they are, they are sending an underlying message. One is that you should be willing to sacrifice anything for the company. The next is that you should be flexible with your personal boundaries. It is a technique to peer pressure you into going along with behaviors you are not otherwise comfortable with.
One nice thing that can happen at work is that you may become close to some of your coworkers. You can choose to be friends with them outside of work. And, when you get a new job somewhere else, you may choose to maintain your friendships. But, this is all something you decide. It’s something you are in control of. And, if anything goes wrong, you have the option to address the issue, distance yourself, or walk away from the friendship altogether.
Implying that work and family are the same disrespects employees. It doesn’t acknowledge that you have your own family and boundaries. A good leader will say that you’re part of an excellent team, not a family. Work is not family.
I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on
Apple Podcasts or
Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If you’ve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in
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Happy hunting!

Angela Copeland

by Angela Copeland | Jul 9, 2018 | Career Corner Column, Company Culture, Media, Newsletter
It’s often said that employees don’t quit jobs. They quit bosses. Can you relate? If you’ve ever left a job, there’s a good chance you might agree with this idea.
If you’re looking for a new job, one of the first things to consider is the management you’ll be working for. I often believe that finding the right environment is just as important (if not more so) than finding the perfect title.
Glassdoor recently released their 2018 Top CEOs list. The list is created based on anonymous U.S. employee feedback received on between May of 2017 and May of 2018.
A company CEO sets the direction of the company, and influences the managers below them. It’s safe to stay the CEO is a great place to start when you’re thinking of where you may want to apply next.
The number one spot this year was taken by Zoom Video Communications’ CEO Eric S. Yuan. Yuan has an impressive 99% approval rating. The top five spots are filled by Michael F. Mahoney at Boston Scientific (99% approval), Daniel Springer at DocuSign (99% approval), Lynsi Snyder at In-N-Out Burger (99% approval), and James Downing at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (98% approval).
Four CEOs have made the Glassdoor Top CEOs list for six years in a row, including Marc Benioff at Salesforce (#10 with 97% approval), Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook (#16 with 96% approval), Lloyd C. Blankfein at Goldman Sachs (#77 with 92% approval), and Tim Cook at Apple (#96 with 91% approval).
These A-ratings are very impressive compared to the average CEO approval rating of 69% for all CEOs.
Zoom Video Communication’s CEO Eric S. Yuan shared his philosophy on the kind of company he wants to create for his employees. “I need to make sure I’m happy, and that my employees are happy. Asking myself that question, I realized if I’m not happy, my kids, my family will be impacted. Our employees will also be impacted. So that’s why our company culture is to deliver happiness. It’s personal to our company’s values. We’re going to care about each other, really focus on delivering happiness to each other. Ultimately, as a company, we deliver happiness to our customers.”
If you’re job seeking, you know that finding a job that fits both inside and outside of work is key. Unhappiness is like a domino. If things aren’t going well at work, chances are that they are going to follow you home to another area.
As you’re job searching, keep this in mind. Don’t simply look for the best title or the most money. Look for a great, healthy company. Very often, that starts with the CEO. Check out the entire 2018 Glassdoor Top CEOs list to learn more about the top 100 CEOs who made the cut. And, check out the company reviews on Glassdoor for even more information about how employees feel about their workplace.
I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on
Apple Podcasts or
Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If you’ve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in
iTunes or
Happy hunting!

Angela Copeland

by Angela Copeland | Jan 15, 2018 | Company Culture, Company Review, Happiness, Newsletter

If we learned anything from 2017, it’s that there’s more going on behind the doors of Corporate America than we thought. What initially started as a few rouge senior level executives showing their birthday suits to employees ended up revealing a much larger problem. The issue was far more widespread than we may have realized.
Who could have guessed what momentum the #metoo movement would have? It seems that people from far and wide (and from all different backgrounds) can relate.
As shocking and disappointing as this new reality is, there’s one very positive thing coming out of it. It’s getting us talking. We’re talking to each other about our experiences at work. And, it’s getting us to rethink what we want in our workplace.
As a young engineer, I remember how odd going to work felt. Not only did I feel different than my coworkers, but they thought that I was different than them too – and they told me so, through their words and their actions. I remember bringing this confusing topic up to loved ones who worked in different industries. I often felt dismissed. “This problem has already been solved,” was the message I received back. So, like many other people, I learned to work around the problem.
But now, we’re talking. And, we’re aware that maybe there’s still some work to do. And, we’re thinking about what we want – and who we want to be in the future. Although the public dialogue we’ve been having isn’t perfect for lots of reasons, it’s a start.
2018 is a great year to think about what a healthy workplace looks like to you. Where do you really want to work? What values do you hold dear, and do they align to the corporation’s values? Is your boss someone you respect? And, even if your company treats you well – do they treat your coworkers with respect?
Very often in business, there are things much more important than money. Yes, we go to work each day to receive a paycheck. But, it’s so much more than that. On some level, it’s our identity. Where we work and who we work with shapes who we are. It shapes what we think about.
I don’t know about you, but I would rather make a little less money and work for an organization that I believe in. And, I definitely don’t want to work for a company that isn’t treating everyone fairly and with a basic level of respect.
If you’re still feeling the shock of 2017, 2018 may be a good time to check-in with yourself about your company.
Does the company offer a product or service that you believe in?
Do you feel like you’re doing purposeful work?
Does the company treat all of its employees with a level of respect and equality?
Do your personal values align to that of the company and its executives?
Many times, these are things we forget to think about when we’re searching for a new job. In the moment, we may just want to land an offer.
But, when there’s a little downtime, it’s always a good idea to think back and reflect. Is this company a healthy place to be? Is this how I want to spend my life?
And, if the answer to these questions is no… it may be the right time to start looking. After all, January is the perfect time to kick off your new job search and your new you!
I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on
Apple Podcasts or
Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If you’ve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in
Apple Podcasts or
Happy hunting!

Angela Copeland

by Angela Copeland | Nov 15, 2017 | Career Corner Column, Company Culture, Company Review, Glassdoor

Being happy at work is an essential part of career fulfillment. Sometimes, it seems we spend more time researching where to eat the best hamburger than where to work. Much like skipping restaurant reviews, failing to research a company can come back to burn you later. The good news is that you no longer have to know someone personally to get the scoop on a company.
There are many employment related websites, including and, where current and former employees can leave anonymous reviews about their experiences. If you read the reviews, you’ll often notice patterns. Much like hotel reviews, those who leave reviews are either very happy or very unhappy. Have you ever noticed that many hotel reviews are left by customers who had some kind of awful experience, like bed bugs or dirty sheets? Typically, to be motivated to take the time to leave a review, an employee (much like a hotel guest) must have extreme emotions about the place where they work.
Glassdoor recently released a study on this very topic. They wanted to take a look into how balanced online employer reviews really are. Glassdoor’s study wanted to find out whether their site provides more or less balanced reviews than other review sites. In other words, are all of the company reviews very negative or very positive, like the hotel reviews.
If you’ve used Glassdoor before, you already know this. The site is free. But, in order to use it, Glassdoor requires you to leave some type of feedback on a company where you have worked (past or present). Glassdoor uses what they call a “give to get” policy. In other words, it encourages everyone to leave a review – not just those who are unhappy. As you may have guessed, this policy encourages people to leave reviews that are more neutral in nature.
“This study gives strong evidence that company reviews on Glassdoor are more balanced because of the way they are collected. The policy creates incentive for people to contribute to the site, who may otherwise opt out. It should help quell misconceptions that employees only provide really positive or really negative opinions about companies on Glassdoor. The data show that’s not the case — Glassdoor’s give to get policy creates a more balanced picture of companies,” said Dr. Andrew Chamberlain, Glassdoor chief economist.
Another great feature on both Glassdoor and Indeed is this. Although the websites have a financial relationship with hiring companies (companies pay them to advertise their jobs), the sites don’t allow employers to edit employee reviews. In other words, just because an employer doesn’t care for a particular negative review, Glassdoor and Indeed won’t delete it. The company must face the review and correct the problem directly with the employee.
In order to increase the odds that your next workplace will be a positive one, don’t skip the company reviews. They’re there to help give you a little insight into what it’s really like to work at a particular company.
Angela Copeland is a Career Coach and Founder of Copeland Coaching and can be reached at or on Twitter at @CopelandCoach.
by Angela Copeland | Apr 11, 2017 | Advice, Company Culture, Podcast
Episode 128 is live! This week, we talk with Jennifer Garrison in Houston, TX.
Jennifer is the Director of Human Resources at Elite SEM. Elite SEM is a New York based digital marketing agency. They have received a number of awards for their business, including: Ad Age – Small Agency of the Year, US Search Awards – Best Search Agency, Mashable – #1 Best Tech Company To Work For, Crain’s New York Business – #1 Place To Work, Entrepreneur – Best Company Culture, and Bing – Independent Agency of the Year. They were also recognized by the Inc. 5000 for year over year as one of the fastest growing search engine marketing agencies in the country.

On today’s episode, Jennifer shares her tips on finding and cultivating a great company culture. She also provides suggestions on how to land an internal promotion at your current company.
Listen and learn more! You can play the podcast here, or download it on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.
To learn more about Jennifer and Elite SEM, check out the Elite SEM website at

Thanks to everyone for listening! And, thank you to those who sent me questions. You can send your questions to You can also send me questions via Twitter. I’m @CopelandCoach. And, on Facebook, I am Copeland Coaching. Don’t forget to help me out. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts and leave me a review!

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