by Angela Copeland | May 11, 2016 | Advice, Career Corner Column, Media
One of the most common messages I received as a child was, “work hard and you will be rewarded.” This sentiment was echoed by loved ones, teachers, and mentors. There’s a good chance you heard the same rumor about life being fair and equitable.
Working hard is a critical component to success; don’t get me wrong. However, there’s more to it than just hard work. This can be an especially tough lesson for young professionals.
It’s not an uncommon experience for a newly minted graduate to work harder than their colleagues. They may even be smarter and contribute more new ideas. In some cases, they save the company more money or generate more in sales.
On the surface, it seems obvious. “I’m smarter. I work longer hours. I produce more revenue. I should be paid more.” Right? Not necessarily. At least, not yet.
After working for one to two years at a job, it is not uncommon for a young professional to experience frustration. They have proven themselves. They’ve worked long hours. And, they have figured out just how much more their lazy coworker makes than they do.
They do what seems natural and ask their boss for a raise. They’re shocked to learn that it’s not in the cards for them – at least, not in the way they were hoping. Sadly, companies generally only give two to four percent raises annually. This is the case even if you’re a great employee. Your future pay within a company is almost always based upon your current pay.
Companies also want to ensure that employees have room to grow each year. If you receive the top pay available today, how will they incentivize you over the next five years? That’s their reasoning anyway.
Often, your value is also tied up in perception as much as it is in reality. You may work hard at your desk for hours on end, but if no one knows about it, that value may be overlooked. This perceived value is created through building relationships – with your boss, upper management, and colleagues.
Last, your value may also be tied up in how rare your skills are. How difficult is it to replace you? How many people are available who can also do the same work? The more unique your skills are, the better. If those unique skills also generate a high value of revenue for the company, you’re even more likely to be perceived as irreplaceable.
Just remember, putting in your dues is where it’s at. Keep in mind the valuable experience you’re gaining. When you were in college, you would have gladly worked for free.
After you’ve put in your time and are ready to move up, consider moving on. Even the best internal employees are lucky to receive a small raise. An external move can sometimes increase your overall pay by more than thirty percent at one time. And, when you do receive your next offer, use your negotiation skills to get the best start possible.
Angela Copeland is CEO and founder of Copeland Coaching and can be reached at and on Twitter at @CopelandCoach.
by Angela Copeland | May 6, 2016 | Advice, Career Corner Column, Media
Job seekers often spend quite a lot of time perfecting their resumes. From tiny details such as the font, to the experience and education sections, a resume can be mulled over for days, weeks, or months. It can be overwhelming, and can paralyze a job search. It makes sense. A resume can potentially contain every pertinent educational and professional detail, as far back as age eighteen. Worst of all, this information is expected to fit onto one or two pages at most.
In an effort to find relief and seek out perfection, many people turn to the help of a professional resume writer. This is someone who turns a job seeker’s background into a masterful work of art. They add in a trendy look, the right language, and the job seeker’s professional work experience.
Although this sounds good on the surface, I’d like to present an alternative point of view. I’d like to challenge you to take one hundred percent ownership of your own resume.
There are a number of reasons for this. First, accuracy is the most critical component of a resume. Your future boss can terminate your employment if your resume misrepresents your background or skills. Unfortunately, handing your resume over to a stranger, who likely does not specialize in your field, is a quick way to end up with mistakes.
When you change jobs, you’re also often interested to change the sort of work you do – or the type of industry you work in. Revising your own resume allows you to put some serious thought into the image you want to portray to your future hiring manager. It allows you to think through the examples of your previous work that best align to your future job. It can even help to shape your elevator pitch and cover letter. Essentially, you’re able to craft your own personal brand.
Don’t get me wrong, you shouldn’t revise your resume in a vacuum. Typos are one of the first things a hiring manager notices, and can be a filter for disqualifying candidates. Ask one or two close friends to read over your resume for mistakes, or anything that is difficult to understand.
If you do opt to use a resume writer, work closely with them to ensure they truly understand your background, and what makes you special. When they finish, ask the same one or two close friends to help you proofread it for mistakes.
Above all, remember that your resume will most likely not be what lands your next job. It’s often a personal connection or a chance meeting with a hiring manager that will connect you to your future career. Spending too much time dwelling on the details of your resume will only delay or reduce your ability to network with others.
Take the time to revise your resume yourself, then move on. Get out there and start talking to people. And, when you face rejection, don’t assume you need an entirely new resume. Instead, look for new networking contacts.
Angela Copeland is CEO and founder of Copeland Coaching and can be reached at or on Twitter at @CopelandCoach.
by Angela Copeland | Apr 29, 2016 | Advice, Career Corner Column

In today’s workplace, email is an inevitable fact of life. Gone are the days of predictable phone calls or regular in person chats to check in. The bulk of communication is expected through email. Often, one message may contain ten more or recipients, who reply-all with the smallest of details. It can leave your inbox jam packed, with many unread and unanswered messages.
At some point, this backlog of emails can become embarrassing. The good news is, there’s hope! In 2015, the Reply All podcast declared April 30th to be “Email Debt Forgiveness Day.” Email Debt Forgiveness Day is a time when you can respond to all the emails you’ve been too nervous to respond to, regardless of how much time has passed. An email that qualifies includes one that creates anxiety at both the thought of responding, and the thought of the length of time that’s passed since you received it.
You can now put that worry of your mind, and respond without the fear of a negative reaction. Simply explain the situation in your answer. And, you may want to include a link to an online article about this special day, just in case your recipient hasn’t heard about it.
If your inbox has grown to the point of no return however, Email Debt Forgiveness Day may not be enough to fix your problem. In this case, you might want to consider “email bankruptcy.” You can declare email bankruptcy by deleting all emails older than a certain date. Once the emails are deleted, you send a message to everyone who has emailed you. Explain the situation, and that you’re officially declaring email bankruptcy. Ask that if they still need a response to their message, they should resend their original email.
Both of these tactics can help you start over with a clean slate. Once you do, there are a few guidelines to follow to keep your inbox manageable going forward. First, cut back on email altogether by not hitting the “reply-all” button. This is such an enticing thing to do. It keeps everyone on the email string informed and gives you credit for your contribution. But, in reality, reply-all is very rarely helpful and usually creates many more messages than what are needed.
Come up with a set time of day that will be devoted to email, and develop a policy to respond to all emails within twenty four hours. This sounds hard, right? Very often, you don’t know the answer to every email within one day. If that happens, simply respond to the sender to say that you’ve received their message and are working to find an answer.
Last, use the features and tools within your email program to help keep things in order. Flags, categories, tabs, and automated out of office replies can all help keep you organized and ahead of the email game. To be competitive in today’s workforce, you must not only be great at your job, but good at managing your online communication.
Angela Copeland is CEO and career coach at Copeland Coaching and can be reached at or on Twitter at @CopelandCoach.
by Angela Copeland | Apr 22, 2016 | Advice, Career Corner Column, Media
A friend called me recently with a question I was not expecting. He said, “Why is it that all the resumes I get from recent college graduates are packed with their leadership experience? I don’t care about that. I want to know what they can really do for my company, work wise. What are their skills?”
To give a little context, my friend is a hiring manager who employees engineers. He would never hire someone right out of college to manage other employees at his company. He’s looking for entry level workers. He’s searching for engineers. After a new hire proves themselves, they might be promoted to management in a few years, but not right away.
What he’s seeing isn’t just showing up on one resume or another. It’s a consistent theme coming from all recent graduates. And, apparently other hiring managers are seeing the same trend.
For example, if the job applicant took a manufacturing course, they might state that they were the team captain of their work group rather than what they manufactured. The hiring manager wants to know what tangible engineering skills they gained, rather than who they led.
It seems there may be a disconnect in the expectations of some recent graduates. Some young professionals believe they will be in management roles immediately upon graduation. Although some people begin managing sooner than others, it rarely happens right away. It’s not clear if this disconnect is happening at the college level or somewhere else.
Don’t get me wrong. Leadership skills are important. Young professionals should continue to step up and volunteer when opportunities come available. It helps to build work skills, and is a nice addition to their resume. But, when it comes to finding a job, a young professional shouldn’t assume they’ll be a manager right away.
On the resume, highlight your leadership experience, but also showcase your nitty gritty skills. As an entry level worker, what do you have to offer? List specific computer programs you know, or other industry specific skills you’ve learned. If you talk about a project you worked on, talk about what you accomplished and what you learned.
If you’re still in school, try to get an internship or two. Even if it’s unpaid, a real corporate or nonprofit internship can make all the difference when it comes to looking for a full-time job. Don’t assume that a job at as a restaurant server will make sense to your post-graduate corporate employer. Pursue opportunities that will enhance your future career. Even if those opportunities are low paying or volunteer now, they will lead to a more impressive resume – and possibly a better job later.
Unfortunately, a college degree alone doesn’t guarantee a full-time job. At many places, it can be little more than a minimum requirement. It’s what you do with the degree, before and after graduation, that matters. Be willing to roll up your sleeves to get real world experience and hiring managers will respect you that much more.
Angela Copeland is CEO and founder of Copeland Coaching and can be reached at
by Angela Copeland | Apr 15, 2016 | Advice, Career Corner Column, Media
Most of the time, job seeking today feels much more complicated than it did in years past. In addition to your resume, cover letter, and business suit, there’s a new layer to consider: social media. Although we often don’t typically think of social media as part of our job search, it can be helpful for both the recruiter and the job seeker.
As a job seeker, participating in social media can be a positive thing. If there’s more than one person with your name, joining the social media world allows you to take ownership over your own personal brand. If you’re wondering where to begin, start with LinkedIn and then work up to other sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Job seeking is a lot like attending a dinner party. When you’re thinking of what to post on your social media, keep this in mind. If you want to share your religious beliefs, political views, or other potentially controversial thoughts, ensure that the privacy settings on your profiles are locked tight.
But, with LinkedIn, it’s best to keep things as open as you can. It’s a great idea to allow a potential employer to learn as much about you as possible. Be sure to include an updated profile photo, current employment information, and your email address. Make it easier for recruiters to find for you by including words on your profile that are relevant to your career.
Try to make time to interact with friends and colleagues on social media, so you become part of their online ecosystem. Sites like LinkedIn can be a great place to share your latest accomplishments and awards. In today’s competitive market, it’s good to try to remain top of mind. You never know who may be hiring.
Beyond creating a presence for yourself, social media can actually help in your search. First, it’s a great place to research what people are saying about your potential employer. Do their employees and customers love them or hate them? It’s also a great way to research your hiring manager and the other people who will be interviewing you.
And, if you’ve had a hard time getting the attention of the hiring manager through the traditional online application process, social media may be an option to try. It has to be done carefully, but most executives manage their own Twitter accounts, for example. It is surprising how often a C-level executive is willing to engage with positive comments online.
I have even heard of applicants tweeting a video to a company. In the video, the applicant gives their elevator pitch and asks to be considered for a certain role. It’s important to be cautious with such public displays when you currently have a full time job. But, it’s an interesting idea to consider. Wouldn’t you agree?
The degree to which you use social media in your job search is completely up to you. But, whatever you do, use it to brand yourself in a positive light rather than the latest controversy.
Angela Copeland is CEO and founder of Copeland Coaching and can be reached at
by Angela Copeland | Apr 8, 2016 | Advice, Career Corner Column

Yesterday, I found myself saying something I often say this time of year. “One of my all-time favorite things is to go to a job fair!” The response I received was not unexpected. The job seeker hadn’t even thought of attending a job fair since college. They seem so juvenile on some level.
I will admit, tiny job fairs aren’t always everything they’re cracked up to be. I’ve been to fairs with ten or less employers who have tiny booths and very few actual jobs. These events add little value, and could eat up a perfectly good afternoon.
But, a good job far can be worth its weight in gold. On more than one occasion, I’ve successfully landed a job as a result of attending one of these events.
Large fairs have 300 or more employer booths. Often, the companies represented are the ones you’ve been dreaming of, such as Facebook, Google, or FedEx. Each employer has a booth that’s manned by someone from their recruiting team. They’re there to answer questions, collect resumes, and in some cases, conduct interviews.
You heard me right. The recruiters often conduct first round interviews at large career fairs. Can you imagine how much time might be saved from applying online, if you could simply walk from recruiter to recruiter in person?
Finding the right fair can take time, but is worth the effort. Start by looking on local chamber of commerce websites, and the websites of young professional groups. They often help career fairs to get the word out.
Then, check out the websites of various national organizations, such as National Society of Hispanic MBAs, Society of Women Engineers, or Net Impact. These groups have huge annual conferences. As part of a conference, they will typically host a large career fair. And, the organization will often sell a career fair only pass for $100 or less that can save hundreds off the conference price.
If you’re not sure which organizations to look up, try checking out your local convention center website. There is often a calendar of events page on the site that will contain a listing of all upcoming fairs and conventions.
Keep in mind that the same recruiters attend many different job fairs all year. The particular fair you attend is not as important as the specific employers represented.
Once you’ve found the fair you want to target, prepare four things: your suit, your resume, your business cards, and your elevator pitch. Study the job fair map provided and decide which employer booths you want to stop by. Look up those companies online to see which open positions they are currently promoting.
The day of the event, arrive early. Prepare to stay all day. Feel confident when talking to recruiters about your job search, and don’t be afraid to ask for their business card. After the fair, follow up through e-mail and LinkedIn.
With a little work, you’ll find job fairs can be helpful for years after college is completed.
Angela Copeland is CEO and founder of Copeland Coaching and can be reached at
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