by Angela Copeland | Apr 12, 2017 | Advice, Career Corner Column, Media

The job market often offers twists and turns you’d never expect. My first twist happened during college.
I grew up in the 90s, along with the internet. Companies like AOL were just starting. With a “fast” dial up modem, you could connect through your phone line. It was just the sort of thing a teenager dying to go to college out of state needed. It was an exciting time. Everything and everyone suddenly seemed magically intertwined in a new way.
Startups were popping up everywhere. Young people were getting investments to start business and were suddenly worth millions. It was like being a celebrity. The guarantee of a good job and a great financial future motivated me to study computer and systems engineering in college. I moved from Oklahoma to Upstate New York for the opportunity.
Midway through school, the dot com crash happened. Suddenly, startups were disappearing and jobs in the tech world dried up. Recruiters that came to my college to hire students canceled their visits. Not only were their visits canceled, the jobs they were hiring for were canceled too.
This was one of the scariest times in my career. It forced me to rethink the possibilities of what I might become. After some soul searching, I found a project management job. It wasn’t what I had expected to be doing, but the good news was, it was even better. This work capitalized on my strengths more than computer programming ever did, and it prepared me for my next challenge – graduate school.
Getting my MBA presented an entirely new set of hurdles. The first was saving enough money to quit my job to go. The second was to move cross country to a new city in California where I knew no one. While I was in school, the job market continued to be competitive. In fact, many employers were no longer paying for interns. The prospect of working for free was one catalyst to finish school early and to begin my new career.
Strangely, although I planned to change careers when I finished business school, employers didn’t initially see it the same way. One company offered me twice as much money to do the same sort of work I’d been doing before school. It was incredibly confusing. The money was great, but I’d quit my job so that I could change careers completely. I turned down the offer and kept searching. Eventually, I became a digital marketing executive and now, a career coach.
What I’ve learned along the way is that your path isn’t always as straight as you picture it when you’re eighteen. And, more importantly – that’s okay. In today’s job market, changing jobs every three to five years keeps you fresh. It diversifies your professional contacts and your experience. It turns you into a bit of a free agent so to speak. And, you have a chance to negotiate for more money every few years. Very often, unexpected career interference is a true blessing in disguise.
Angela Copeland is CEO and founder of Copeland Coaching and can be reached at or on Twitter at @CopelandCoach.
by Angela Copeland | Apr 5, 2017 | Advice, Career Corner Column

In the business world, things move fast. You write a business proposal, seek approval, and move on to your next project. Efficiency is key in business. Move fast. Waste little time. Produce as much output as possible.
I recently had a wonderful opportunity to share my personal career story at a TEDx event in Worthington Ohio. Giving a TEDx Talk was a huge honor, but also a big responsibility. I wanted to be prepared. And, not the kind of prepared that I’ve been in the past when I’ve delivered some sort of PowerPoint presentation I whipped up for an executive meeting.
But, what does being prepared for something like TED mean? Fortunately, I had a great team of folks around me to serve as advisors, including a professional speaking coach, a professional speech writer, and a great TEDx team. I honestly couldn’t have felt more proud to have such a great group working with me that I could put my trust in.
What I quickly found was that preparing for a fifteen minute memorized talk was an entirely different animal all together. For the first time, I had a script. And, I didn’t just write the script once. I wrote and revised it ten times. Each time, the team would have feedback. Perhaps one word didn’t sound quite right. Or, maybe another sentence was needed to bridge two thoughts.
Then came practicing. Memorizing eight pages of text is not easy for anyone. That was the first giant hill to conquer. Once the memorization was under control, I focused on my delivery. Even tiny details like the regional pronunciation of words was on the table for discussion. I’ll be honest. At times, this level of commitment felt tough.
Then, one day, I bumped into a professional ballet dancer at the theatre where I was practicing. He was there, by himself, practicing his dance skills. You might think this was a sign that he had a big production just around the corner. But, it wasn’t. He was there practicing because he wanted to be his best at all times. He didn’t have a show around the corner. He had discipline.
It really hit home with me in that moment how hard actors and athletes work when we’re not looking. They are dedicated to be the best at one specific thing, for the fifteen minutes when we are watching. But, it’s not random that they’re at their best for those fifteen minutes. Hours of tiring practice have gone into that perfect moment; practice that nobody else sees.
This experience makes me wonder how much more effective, and efficient, we all might be as business leaders if we set aside a little more time to practice. Rather than planning to give a presentation once with no rehearsal, what if we took the time to hone our message? I hope to take my newfound respect for performers and athletes with me as I go back to my projects in the fast paced business world.
Angela Copeland is CEO and founder of Copeland Coaching and can be reached at or on Twitter at @CopelandCoach.
by Angela Copeland | Mar 29, 2017 | Advice, Career Corner Column, College, Media

I’ve met a number of people lately who have said something that’s surprised me. They’ve told me that they aren’t sure if college is really worth it. They believe it would be a waste of money to pay for something they might never use, especially if they change their mind on a career path later.
The group I’m talking about is made up of twenty-something millennials. They are college age and very unsure if they trust this system. They’ve seen their friends go to college and end up with little more than a pile of student loans and a degree that seems to open zero doors. They see friends living at home with parents, unable to get their own apartments.
The economy has struggled for years. College tuition is at extremely high levels creating high student debt. And older workers are being forced to stay in their jobs for longer than ever before, leaving fewer good jobs for new graduates.
When you think of it this way, this perspective makes sense. It can seem that the return on investment just isn’t there to justify spending the money. It also ups the importance of picking the right degree.
But, this perspective worries me. In today’s workforce, a college degree is often considered the minimum threshold for entry. It’s similar to how a high school diploma was perceived in a previous generation. Without one, a job seeker will likely be at a disadvantage compared to someone with a degree.
Very often, the specific degree is less important than having one. Ask anyone over the age of forty what they studied in college. There’s a decent chance you’ll be surprised by their answer because they likely have switched fields along the way.
When I hear this new doubt about the value of college, I think about a number of the older job seekers I’ve met along the way. Early in their careers, they were leaders in their field — perhaps in something like sales. They worked at the same company for years, building up clients and a big paycheck. Then one day, the industry shifted. The company they worked for went out of business and they were out of work.
Suddenly, the successful, seasoned professional they were disappears. They feel helpless. They feel lost. Employers are less interested in them. They have all the right experience and the right knowledge, but they don’t have a degree. They don’t meet the basic requirements. They struggle to find work that will pay the bills to maintain their existing lifestyle. This experience is devastating.
If you’re struggling to decide, remember the long game. Education is expensive, but it’s worth it. Think of how much you’d be willing to pay for a new car, because it drives you around. Education gets you places too, but just in a different way. And, if college isn’t for you for whatever reason, consider a trade program. Additional training will put you ahead of your competition, and help to secure your future.
Angela Copeland is CEO and founder of Copeland Coaching and can be reached at or on Twitter at @CopelandCoach.
by Angela Copeland | Mar 22, 2017 | Advice, Career Corner Column, Job Search, Media

When you’re truly unhappy in your current job, a new one can’t get here fast enough. Having to drag yourself to the office each day can be the worst. When you’re caught up in the emotion of it all, you begin to wonder why you don’t have a new job yet. Is it a problem with your resume, your cover letter, or your LinkedIn? Panic and frustration begins to set in as each day goes by.
But, sometimes it’s none of those things at all. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of time. What I mean by this is, it’s easy to get swept up in our everyday responsibilities. Whether it’s a current job, children, a side project, or social commitments, there’s always something pressing to do. The job search gets pushed to the side, like a treadmill bought with the best intensions that’s gathering dust in the corner.
The problem is, just like physical health, your dream job will rarely find you without some real work. It’s possible that a so-so job that pays almost enough will fall into your lap. But, with that job, there’s no guarantee that it will actually be better than the one you have now. That high paying promotion you’ve been dreaming of will not be found easily. Those jobs are harder to find and to get. They require treating the process of getting a job like its own job.
Believe me, I wish there was an easier way. But, for the most part, elbow grease is the only answer. Making your job search the most important thing you’re doing will move it forward faster.
Don’t get me wrong, I strongly believe that preexisting commitments, such as family, should take top billing. It’s the right decision and one that I truly respect. But, the higher you can prioritize your search and the more time you’re able to pour into it, the faster things will come together.
Start by deciding how many hours each week you’d like to work on your search. Then, picture when would be the best time to put in those hours. Are mornings easier for you? Is right after work the best? Or, is Sunday afternoon ideal? Whatever time you select, hold yourself to it. Let your family know that you’re going to need a little extra time to focus on your search. Consider tracking your progress in a spreadsheet or on a calendar.
As I write this, I’m reminded that prioritizing your search is in reality a lot like prioritizing yourself, and your own happiness. It’s making time for your future goals. It’s making time for your future self. It’s a way of saying that you will not wait until your current job is so miserable that you can’t stand it anymore. You won’t wait for another tiny raise or a nonexistent promotion. You’re ready to take your search into your own hands because it’s a priority for you. Only then will you find what you’ve been hoping and searching for.
Angela Copeland is CEO and founder of Copeland Coaching and can be reached at or on Twitter at @CopelandCoach.
by Angela Copeland | Mar 15, 2017 | Advice, Career Corner Column, Media

Today’s job market is tough. If you’re trying to find a new job, or to get a promotion at your current job, you can probably relate. One of the most frustrating things, if not the most frustrating, is when your current boss is overlooking you.
Perhaps the boss has created a new role that would be perfect for you. You’ve been with the organization for five years and this job is a step up from what you’re doing today. You’re committed to the company, and plan to be there for a while – maybe even until retirement. The new role is an obvious progression to anyone but your boss. The boss is too busy trying to scour the earth for the perfect candidate, when the best person is right under their nose. Even after you’ve pitched your idea, they aren’t interested.
I’ve got to be honest. I don’t have much patience for this waiting game. If you’re good at what you do, and you’re doing your best, it’s time to consider moving on if your boss is unwilling or unable to recognize you. The exact reason why this is happening isn’t the most important thing. Your boss may be judging you on something unrelated to your job, they may not picture you as an ambitious person, or there may be some other reason unrelated to you.
Rather than try to fix a broken situation, why not refocus your energy? If this boss doesn’t appreciate you, there’s most likely someone else out there who will. Why not try to find them?
The truth is, many companies don’t value their existing employees as much as we all wish they would. The high turnover companies experience could contribute to this. And, the competitive environment we’re in doesn’t help either. The companies aren’t all to blame, but it doesn’t really help you as an individual either way. Why not try to find a company and a boss that values their employees?
I know it can be hard, especially if you were planning to stay at a company for the long haul. Switching companies can feel like failure. It can feel like a loss – a big one. I’m with you.
But, think of how you might feel if you did find a better situation, a better boss, and a better company. I’ve never met someone who’s made a positive switch and then said, “Man, if only I’d stuck around a little longer to see if I could have gotten my boss to like me.” Instead, each person says, “I’m so glad I made that change” or “Wow! I wish I’d had the courage to change jobs sooner. I don’t know why I waited so long.”
I get it. Changing companies wasn’t on your plan. But, neither was waiting to be told you’re good enough. Let me put it this way: If switching companies also meant more money and a better title, would you give it a shot? You will never know until you try.
Angela Copeland is CEO and founder of Copeland Coaching and can be reached at or on Twitter at @CopelandCoach.
by Angela Copeland | Mar 8, 2017 | Advice, Career Corner Column, Networking, Resume Writing

Whenever I meet with a new job seeker, I always ask the same question. “Where are you getting stuck in your search?” It sounds like a simple question, but it can shed quite a bit of light into what’s going on.
One of the top struggles is having a resume that isn’t well put together. Very often, the job seeker wonders what about their resume the hiring manager didn’t like. They spend hours combing over the details, refining each word, trying to craft the perfect resume.
The way the job seeker presents themselves to a hiring manager on their resume does have a big impact on their results. First impressions really are important. For example, a typo in a resume can cause a hiring manager to automatically throw out a resume. The resume is a valid concern that really can impact job search results.
Although I believe this wholeheartedly, I reflect back on a friend. No kidding – he has a six-page resume. Have you ever heard of that being a good idea? On a number of occasions, I’ve volunteered to help him rewrite his resume.
But, can you guess what happens? Yep. Every time I start to reconstruct his resume, he lands a new job. And, not just any old job – he lands a great job, at a great company. It’s happened so many times that I finally gave up on the long resume.
So, why is it that someone with a six-page resume isn’t getting stuck in their job search? It’s a great question, and it isn’t as straightforward as it may seem. First, my friend has developed a specialized skillset. He’s focused on being the best at one particular thing. So, when a hiring manager is in need of this particular skill, he’s someone they think of.
But, what he’s also done that’s just as important, if not more so – he’s always working to build and grow his personal professional network.
He takes the time to get to know the people he works with. In fact, I first met him at work, many years ago.
He spends time with colleagues. He meets their families. And, he flies around the world when they get married, just because he cares about them. On top of doing a good job at work, he does a great job outside of work, and people remember that.
Most of all, he doesn’t rely on the internet to find his next job. He’s built up his contacts over the years. If he wants to find something new, he will reach out to the people he knows in the industry. They know him. They trust him. And, they want him to work for them.
What’s he’s doing is that he’s playing a different game than everyone else. He’s taken his job search offline. It’s a people game, rather than an internet game. Instead of optimizing his resume, he’s optimizing his professional network. And, it’s working!
Now, if only I could get my hands on that resume…
Angela Copeland is CEO and founder of Copeland Coaching and can be reached at or on Twitter at @CopelandCoach.
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