Giving Grace
If there’s anything I have learned recently, it’s just how important it is to give grace to others in the workplace. How often does a coworker not respond within the timeframe they agreed to? How often are they short with you when speaking? I would bet this happens pretty often.
In the moment, it feels personal. It can make you feel angry. How could this person speak to me this way? Or, why is this person not following through as quickly as they promised? You may wonder what you did to be on the receiving end of this. You may wonder why they don’t respect you enough to do better.
The problem is that work isn’t just work. Every single person we work with has many things going on outside of work (and sometimes inside of work) that we cannot see. Our personal lives are made up of family, friends, children, pets, clubs and organizations, religious groups and more.
When things are normal, someone is able to show up as their best self to work. But, when things are out of whack in one area of a person’s life, it can create a larger impact. For example, if someone recently had a new baby, they may be struggling to learn how to balance both work and take care of the baby. Or, if another person suffered the loss of a family member, that person may have a hard time containing their grief during work hours.
When someone is going through these terrible personal things, they very often do not disclose them at work. They are simply trying to get through each day. They are trying to keep their family together or trying to help a loved one through a serious illness.
They try to keep issues from bleeding into work, but we are all human. And, it can happen to anyone and everyone.
Fortunately, change is not permanent. It’s what takes us from one destination to another. And, when things calm down again, people are able to return to their prior selves. They begin to be more present. They begin to deliver their assignments on time. They again become the former person you knew.
The universal truth is that we all go through change. We are not ever all perfect all the time. Giving someone grace or assuming positive intent is one of the kindest things that you can do for them.
And, some day in the future, you will need the same grace in return. It can be surprising how quickly life can change. You can be cruising along when suddenly, someone you love becomes ill. Or, there is some other problem that may feel giant in the moment.
It would be great if we could all compartmentalize. If we were productive robots between business hours, that would be wonderful. But, that’s not really how life works. What does work is giving grace to those around you.
I hope these tips have helped you. Visit CopelandCoaching.com to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Angela Copeland
Mixed Signals in the Job Market
What does the job market have in store for us this year? The answer seems to be mixed. We are continuing to hear about company layoffs. Yet, at the same time, the stock market just hit a new all-time high. This doesn’t paint a clear picture for would be job seekers. And often, uncertainty in the market can discourage employees from seeking new employment.
For example, major companies are continuing to lay off workers. In January alone, companies such as Microsoft, Sports Illustrated, Google, Amazon, and NBC all laid off workers. On the other hand, the S&P 500 has been setting records as earnings have continued to grow. And, a few of the very same companies that are doing well are also laying off employees. So, what gives?
Unfortunately, the answer is not straight forward. There are a number of factors at play. First, in the last five years, many industries have seen a shift. Since 2020, it is more common to work from home. People are wearing more casual clothing. The auto industry is in the midst of an evolution. I could go on, but you get the idea. The way we work and play has shifted. Some industries have gotten smaller while others have grown.
Another very unfortunate factor is that layoffs have become more normal in business. In the past, layoffs were typically a last resort. Companies avoided them at all cost. Companies wanted to protect their employees. Employees were the fabric of the company. Layoffs were considered shameful.
Although employees are still important, companies now consider many other factors. Some companies focus more on the short term value of the company rather than looking into the future. This can mean that a company may elect to lay off employees simply to save money in the short term. In fact, it is at times perceived as a responsible thing to do. In other words, the short term cost savings of layoffs may at times be considered smart.
What does this mean for the job market, and for your job search? If you have been thinking looking for a new job, don’t give up hope. Despite the unusual market, many companies are still hiring.
But, before you accept a new job, do your research. Look online for any news about the financial health of the company. Research where the industry is going overall. Research the company on sites such as Glassdoor.com. Glassdoor allows employees to leave reviews about the company. If layoffs are being handled poorly or employees are being mistreated, they will often share their feedback on Glassdoor.
Whatever you do, keep your resume current. With the current environment, unplanned things can happen. By keeping your resume up to date, and by staying in touch with contacts, you can create some level of insulation from the unknown. The more proactive that you are, the more choice you will have if things change in this market.
I hope these tips have helped you. Visit CopelandCoaching.com to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Angela Copeland
Build Your Online Brand
Employees are switching jobs, and they switch often. They stay at jobs for a shorter time than their parents or grandparents. In most professions, the concept of sticking with one employer no longer makes sense. In fact, people who stay put are often indirectly penalized by doing so. Employees who stay forfeit promotions and money when they stay for too long.
It’s the time of year when raises may begin to occur. When a company looks at an internal employee, they often focus on the person’s salary history. They’ll say, “We gave James a 9 percent raise last year. He should be happy for a few more years.” But, if James were to go out on the open market, he might find an increase of twenty percent is closer to the market rate. In fact, the company would likely pay more to a new candidate if James were to leave, and the company were to backfill his role.
If you find yourself in this modern day dilemma, one thing is for sure. Your online brand is important. Keeping your online footprint professional is not just for politicians. It’s for every level of worker. In fact, there are hiring managers who will spend more time researching someone online than they will spend interviewing them.
Make sure there is not negative content about you on the internet. A good place to start is Google. Look up your name with quotes around your first and last name. Look through the first two or three pages of search results. And, don’t forget to check Google images.
If you find something negative that you have control over, remove it. Look for photos where you are dressed in a way you would not want an employer to view you. Look for times when you may have shared something on a controversial topic that may be misinterpreted.
Be on alert for negative content for other people who share your same name. For example, if someone with your name was recently arrested and a local TV station is sharing their mug shot photos online, this is a reason to be concerned. If you do see this, you can at times reach out to the TV station and ask them to remove the photos. Alternatively, you can work to create more positive content online that will push down the negative results.
If you work in a creative field, you may consider setting up an online portfolio of your work. You can also use sites like LinkedIn to feature your work.
Get involved in your career community online. Join your university’s alumni group on LinkedIn. Comment on relevant posts your LinkedIn connections make. Consider sharing your own success stories.
Whether or not it should be the case, personal brand matters. And, how your personal brand is perceived online matters. Your resume is no longer the only thing companies are considering. So, take the proactive steps to build your online brand.
I hope these tips have helped you. Visit CopelandCoaching.com to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Angela Copeland
One Step at a Time
Happy New Year! January is a time for new beginnings. It’s a time when we often set our goals for the remainder of the year. It can be a time to commit to change, whether it is within our personal lives or our careers. It can often help to begin with the end in mind. If you can create an image of the end goal, it can be easier to build the steps to complete the change you crave.
But, so often, it can be hard to see the end goal in the beginning. This is especially true when you are in the middle of a difficult situation. And let’s face it, the last few years have not been easy.
One thing remains true however. If you make small steps in the right direction, you will eventually find your way. In other words, good choices will lead you to more good options. And eventually, your destination will reveal itself. If you’ve taken many positive steps, you are certain to find yourself in a positive place – even if there are a few turns along the way.
If you do have a clear vision for the future, set an intension. Break it down into bite sized steps that you can do over the course of the year. Create a timeline. Find friends to help hold you accountable along the way. Reach out for help as you need it.
But, not having that vision of the end doesn’t mean you won’t find yourself in a great spot. I’ve often spoken to job seekers who are distressed. They have two good job offers and aren’t sure which to choose. In reality, both opportunities are good options. This is often the case in life. There are many paths that will take you to a good outcome.
However, what you do need to do is to get moving. Staying stagnant in a situation that isn’t working for you will not lead you to where you need to be. It will only make it harder to get yourself out later.
No matter what your goals are for 2024, January is a great time to polish up your professional presence. Ensure that your LinkedIn profile is up to date. And, set aside some time to update your resume. This is likely the time of the year when you will complete your performance evaluation for the previous year. Use the opportunity to truly outline the impact of your contribution to your company. In addition to making a great case for your bonus or raise, you can use this information for your resume.
Finding a job is hard work, especially when you are proactively looking. Start early, and keep moving. The more effort you put into your search, the more options you will ultimately have. And, you will have more opportunities to guide your career in a positive direction. Start by taking one positive step at a time.
I hope these tips have helped you. Visit CopelandCoaching.com to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Angela Copeland
Thank You for All You Do
The holidays are here again. Along with the turkey, the stuffing, and the loved ones, there’s more to consider. This season is a time of giving thanks. In every job I have ever had, I have felt most thankful for those I work with each day. It’s not the work that makes things special. It’s not the perks that come with the job. It’s the people. And, it is those we work together with who allow our success to grow collectively.
So often at work, we forget to thank one another. Because a task is expected of someone, we assume it should be done with no complaints, and with no thanks. Each task is simply a box to be checked.
In reality, colleagues can choose whether or not to help us. And, they can choose how much to help us. Whether or not it’s said, each person is putting some piece of themselves into their work each day. They are doing their best in spite of challenges. They’re working hard even when things are tough at home, or when they don’t feel their best.
So often, the only thing they need in return are a few words of thanks. Thanking someone is easy. It’s free. And, it’s an investment in your work relationship.
How can you give thanks at work? There are many ways, and no one option is the correct one. You will likely want to use a combination of methods. First, thank someone in person. When you see them in the hall or when you meet one on one, give them a verbal thank you. Be specific. If they’ve done something to help you, mention it. Tell them you appreciate their help.
Another great option is to thank or praise someone in front of a group. This often makes the most sense during a work meeting on a project that the person has helped you with. As you present an update, you may make a brief mention of the person or team who helped to make the work possible. This allows people to feel like they’re receiving credit for their work. It helps them to understand that you truly value their work.
You can also thank someone via email, either individually or as part of a group message. This can be another nice way to recognize their work. And, if you want to do something extra special, you might consider a hand written note. Or, you may want to get your colleague a small gift. Or, you may want to consider taking them to lunch.
Giving thanks can come in many forms. But, we can all agree that it’s important to acknowledge others. Work is hard enough. Why not take a little time to acknowledge one another? It is good for everyone, and it can even be good for the company’s bottom line. Employees who feel appreciated are more dedicated and are harder workers than others.
I hope these tips have helped you. Visit CopelandCoaching.com to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Angela Copeland
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