The Next Generation of Workers
It’s hard to overstate how happy I’ve been that the workforce is more remote now than ever before. Working from home opens up options for many people. People are no longer confined to the job market in their town. They can live anywhere. And, they don’t have to commute, or go into an open office.
People will argue that working from home just isn’t the same from a culture perspective. I would argue right back that culture can be created in new ways. Yes, it’s different. And, yes, it takes time. But, it is possible. Teams can bond through the virtual world.
But, there’s one detail to consider. Since the pandemic started, one thing has happened. College graduation has happened. And, it’s happened twice: May of 2020, and May of 2021. This means that there are two full classes of college graduates out there who started working after working from home was the way to work.
Sure, some students were doing internships during college. They may have been going into an office. But, many college students never get the opportunity to do a single internship. They were still working in food service, or another similar industry. These newly minted graduates are being tossed into a world of Zoom, many working from their parents’ homes.
We need to consider the long term implications of this unique phenomenon. And also, it reinforces the idea that things aren’t going to go back to the post pandemic normal. This really is the new normal. There are college graduates who can’t imagine how things might be different in person.
So, what does this mean for you, and your business? I’m not sure of the right answer, but one thing is for certain. We need to consciously make team building a priority. We need to try to be better communicators. We need to create structure. And, we need to make an effort to train employees.
I’m a big supporter of teaching yourself. But, in an office, it’s easier to do when you can look around at what coworkers are doing. These new graduates don’t have that luxury. They’re walking straight out of college and into their dining room table, trying to piece together what it means to be a full-time employee.
Today’s workers were already not terribly loyal to one company. Imagine if you never met the people you were working with. Imagine how lonely and confusing it might be to work solo from the beginning. College often doesn’t even train students on basic things, like balancing a checkbook. How do we expect new graduates to come ready to know what they’re doing on day one?
My takeaway for you is this. If you are working with a recent college grad, take the time to get to know them. Ask them if they need help. And, try to mentor them if you have the chance. They are our future, after all.
I hope these tips have helped you. Visit CopelandCoaching.com to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Angela Copeland
Game Time
As professional sports teams are playing again, questions have started to arise about working in professional sports. Let’s be honest. Who wouldn’t want to get up and go to work for their favorite sports franchise? Every day would be fun and exciting – and we might even meet a few of the players. It sounds amazing, right?
Over the years, I’ve met a number of folks who’ve spent the majority of their career in professional sports, whether it was the NBA, PGA or MLB. I noticed common themes among those people. They all work extremely hard. They all travel – a lot. And, they’re all thrilled to be working in pro sports. It was a life dream that they each worked on for many years.
UCLA’s Director of Alumni Career Resources, David E. Cooley, shared his insights into breaking into the sports industry. As a long time Los Angeles resident and career coach, David has often worked with clients who also have an interest breaking into sports. His advice was simple. First, your love of sports alone will never get you the job. In fact, it may be looked at as a negative at times. Next, get as much education and experience as you can in the sports arena. Then, be prepared to work your way up from the bottom.
This point regarding working your way up in professional sports is well-taken. A Memphis Grizzlies alumnus shared that everyone he’d met in a senior leadership position in professional sports had started at the bottom. They often started as interns.
If you’re a recent college graduate, this is probably great news. But, if you’re more seasoned and have commitments like a mortgage or a family, it can be trickier. If you have a lifestyle you need to maintain, you’ll want to do diligent research into pay. Positions in pro sports often pay less than equivalent positions in other industries.
You may wonder why this is the case. It’s because many people want these jobs. Candidates will take less money to get them, which means that in order to be competitive, you likely will have to do the same.
Keep in mind too that your perfect job in professional sports may not be in your city, so you’ll want to be open to moving – and to working for another team. The last key to finding a job in pro sports is networking. Your reputation and who you know will help you to bypass the piles of applicant resumes in front of yours.
Keep in mind that this foot-in-the-door approach is not for every industry. In fact, I’d rarely recommend it for any other situation. But, with so many applicants for these positions, you often have to be more flexible in order to be competitive.
Don’t get me wrong. My intention isn’t to detour you from your sports career. It’s to provide guidance on where to begin and what expectations to set.
I hope these tips have helped you. Visit CopelandCoaching.com to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Angela Copeland
Letting go of control
Working from an office used to be normal. But, that time is so far in the past that it would be naive to think we will ever go back to our former state. Honestly, many of us are wondering why working from the office Monday through Friday ever made sense in the first place. The time wasted commuting, along with the cost of rent is unbelievable.
Looking back, many people have started to wonder if going to work every day in person was more about control than productivity. It gave managers a bird’s eye view of what employees were doing all day. And, it kept employees working with fewer outside distractions.
But, was it really the right way to approach work? I don’t believe so. I’ve been the most productive when I’ve had the most autonomy. And, when I’ve been under someone’s thumb, my productivity and creativity have dropped.
The interesting twist to working from home is that some employers are looking for new ways to feel that they still have control over employees. I first heard about this when friends discussed their managers calling them on video at random times during the workday. The purpose appeared to be monitoring the employee, rather than anything helpful.
But, the real shocker comes from employee monitoring software. Last week, The Washington Post released a shocking article documenting digital monitoring of employees in the remote work environment. Employees shared stories about keystroke tracking, screenshots, and facial recognition.
One employee, who chose to remain anonymous, shared a story of trying to find something on their computer. He was clicking around, trying to find the spot where he needed to be. Suddenly, his boss started to speak to him through his headset, instructing him on where to go.
Another employee described her company using facial recognition software. In order to get paid, she would have to look toward her screen while working. If she looked around for too long, she’d have to log in all over again. Not only was her photo being taken, but the tiny light coming from the camera was on while she was working.
The thing about remote work is that it has the potential to be more productive. But, the relationship between employee and employer is built on trust. And, if someone is going slack off, they will be able to do this whether they’re being monitored or not. Beyond that, people are not machines. They may have days that are less productive, and they may have other days that are very productive.
The bottom line is, employers should consider decreasing monitoring, and increasing trust. You can do this by setting realistic goals and holding your employees to them. Measure results, not keystrokes. And, if someone isn’t trustworthy, replace them with someone who is. Create a culture based on mutual respect, and you’ll increase productivity, and save a little money on rent at the same time.
I hope these tips have helped you. Visit CopelandCoaching.com to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Angela Copeland
A Peaceful Transition
Leaving your current employer for a new career opportunity is a big decision. In a way, it’s similar to the breakup of a romantic relationship. Coworkers you once saw daily, you may never talk to again. The process can be sad and painful, but it’s a necessary step of growth. In the process of moving on, there are often opportunities to share your dissatisfaction. To this, my advice is to be careful.
If you felt your current employer was a perfect match, you probably wouldn’t be open to new opportunities. Similar to romantic relationships, daters are typically only open to new people if they’re unsure about their current relationship. If you’ve found a new job that you’re taking, the old one was likely a mismatch.
On the way out, many companies complete an exit interview. And, many employees enjoy using this time to vent their long held frustrations. It may feel therapeutic, but you should not take this route if you can avoid it.
If you’re like most employees, you have at least tried to resolve the differences at your current company before seeking something new. You probably shared (on more than one occasion) what you felt might help you to be more successful. For whatever reason, your request wasn’t possible. It may be because the company wasn’t listening. But, it may have been something larger. For example, to fulfill your request, a larger change to the corporate culture may have been necessary. And, sometimes, that’s just not possible.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying your request wasn’t valid or reasonable. But, if it wasn’t possible while you were working there, it isn’t going to be possible after you’ve left. And, certainly not from one casual conversation with human resources on your way out the door. The other thing is, people may have been doing their best. We rarely have all of the information, or know exactly what was going on behind the scenes.
But, chances are good that you built positive relationships when you were at your company. You want to maintain those if you can. And, you may need your boss in the future as a reference. You cannot tear up your relationship with an organization, and hope for a glowing review later.
It can be frustrating when an opportunity didn’t work out the way you would have liked. But, focus on the positive and focus on the future. Be happy that you found a new beginning. If you feel frustrated with your old company, that’s understandable. But, rather than complain in an exit interview, call a friend. It will do you far more good to talk with someone who cares about your future.
And, try to leave things as you found them. When you end a romantic relationship, it doesn’t help to tear each other town. The same is true in business. Thank the company for the experience, and move forward.
I hope these tips have helped you. Visit CopelandCoaching.com to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Angela Copeland
Labor of Love
Labor Day was designed to both honor and recognize the American labor movement. It’s a nod to the works and contributions of workers in the United States. But, let’s face it. This Labor Day, can you confidently say that you love your work?
If the pandemic has given us nothing else, it’s provided perspective. In particular, it’s been a huge reminder of what’s most important. I’ve said that more than once lately. But, the theme of pursuing happiness persists.
I recently made a new friend. This person is smart and accomplished. He has a long career made up jobs that would impress anyone. We’re the same age. But, there is one thing that’s very different between us. This friend is dying of terminal cancer. He hasn’t known about it for long, and he wasn’t given much time.
We spend most of our lives waiting for a future point in time. We’re waiting until our work gets better. We’re waiting for another time to travel. We’re waiting to take risks. We’re waiting for a promotion. We’re unhappily trudging through life, waiting for a future. The pandemic has made that trudging a little harder and a little heavier.
And, unfortunately, that future we’re patiently waiting for is not guaranteed.
Although the story of my friend is sad, it’s also inspirational. He is using his time to pursue the things he loves. He’s traveling, surfing, and spending time with friends. He’s living without fear, and he’s no longer doing the things he hates. There’s no more time for an unhappy job, or an unhappy life. He is pursuing his happiness.
If you don’t love your work, perhaps it’s time to reevaluate what you’re doing. Companies are being more flexible than ever. Many jobs are remote. And, some companies are adding in new perks to help their employees with work-life balance. If you’ve ever wanted to work for a company that’s not located near your home (but you don’t want to move), this is the time. If you’ve ever wanted to move (but haven’t been able to because of your job), this is also the time.
Steve Jobs famously said, “For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself, ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘no’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”
This is a simple, yet important concept. We’re all going through a period that feels out of control, and like there are fewer choices available to us than we would like. We may feel stuck. But don’t lose hope. In the same way that the pandemic has closed doors, it has opened new ones. Look for those new doors, and redesign your life so that you can pursue your own happiness.
I hope these tips have helped you. Visit CopelandCoaching.com to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Angela Copeland
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