by Angela Copeland | Jun 16, 2020 | Networking, Podcast
Episode 202 is live! This week, we talk with Karen Wickre in San Francisco, California. Karen is the author of Taking the Work Out of Networking: Your Guide to Making Connections That Count. She’s also a former executive at Google and Twitter.
Please note: This episode was recorded before the COVID pandemic began.

On today’s episode, Karen shares:
- How being an introvert can be your secret power
- Why we should cultivate weak ties and loose connections
- How to overcome social anxiety when you’re networking
Listen and learn more! You can play the podcast here, or download it on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.
To learn more about Karen’s work, check out her website at where you can access her book and blog.
Thank YOU for listening! If you’ve enjoyed the show today, don’t forget to help me out. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts! When you subscribe, it helps to make the show easier for other job seekers to find the show!
by Angela Copeland | Jun 9, 2020 | LGBTQ, Podcast
Episode 201 is live! This week, we talk with Scott Dobroski in San Francisco. Scott is the Head of Communications at Glassdoor. This is Scott’s second time on the Copeland Coaching Podcast.
Please note: This episode was recorded before the COVID pandemic began.

On today’s episode, Scott shares:
- Results from the Glassdoor LGBTQ workplace survey
- In what ways LGBTQ employees’ careers may be impacted at work
- What we can all do to help to improve work for LGBTQ employees
Listen and learn more! You can play the podcast here, or download it on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.
To learn more about Scott’s work, check out the Glassdoor blog at
Thank YOU for listening! If you’ve enjoyed the show today, don’t forget to help me out. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts! When you subscribe, it helps to make the show easier for other job seekers to find the show!
by Angela Copeland | Jun 8, 2020 | Black Lives Matter, Career Corner Column, Newsletter
The last three months have been heavy, really heavy. And now, here we are. Things are heavier. But, unlike COVID-19, racial issues have been there all along. They aren’t new. But, some of us have had the luxury not to think about them every day. I saw a notable quote this week by Angela Davis. It said, “In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be antiracist.”
If you haven’t experienced racism firsthand, there are a few things you can do to help at work. The first is to listen — and to believe. Having friends from different cultures and backgrounds allows us to learn about things we wouldn’t otherwise know. But, sometimes, for reasons that are often not conscious, we end up with a lot of friends who are very similar to us. When that happens, we miss out on those personal stories that help us to better understand the experiences of others.
If there’s one thing I would wish for, it’s that people would share their experiences more. Do you remember when the Me Too movement started? Many women shared their personal stories. The stories made things real for our male loved ones. But, trauma is hard to talk about. It’s not something we want to put on display. When it’s over, we put it away. There’s a lot we could learn from each other in the BLM movement if we heard more personal stories from people we know. With that said, try not to overload your African American colleagues with questions. Not everyone wants to be the poster child for every issue. And honestly, each person is dealing with their own feelings, hurt, and grief in a way that is unimaginable.
If you observe racist behavior at work, speak up. As a white person, I’ve heard racist things said behind closed doors that someone else would never know about. Don’t let that continue. If you have the privilege of hearing these types of awful comments, you have a responsibility to say something. Being quiet and hoping the issue will go away is no longer enough. It never was.
I wish I had more impactful words to share today. This issue is so big that there aren’t enough words on the page to address it. I’ll leave you with this. This is not a new issue. And, it’s not yet an old one (as it’s not yet in our past). Soon, we’ll be going back to school and work. We’ll have less time on our hands to think about BLM. But, just because we’re distracted again won’t mean the issue is solved. And, just because we may no longer see it won’t mean that it’s gone or that it’s no longer time to speak up. If BLM is important to you today, it should remain important in one week and one month and one year and five years.
I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on
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Happy hunting!

Angela Copeland

by Angela Copeland | Jun 2, 2020 | Podcast
Episode 200 is live! This week, we talk with Diana Wu David in Hong Kong. Diana is the CEO of Sarana Capital and the author of Future Proof: Re-inventing work in the Age of Acceleration.
(Please note: This episode was recorded before the COVID pandemic began.)

On today’s episode, Diana shares:
- How to reprioritize your life when you’re looking for change
- How to future proof your career in the age of acceleration
- What you need to know about a minimum viable lifestyle, and why it’s important
- The signs that it’s time to search for your next job
Listen and learn more! You can play the podcast here, or download it on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.
To learn more about Diana’s work, check out her website at where you can access her book and blog.
Thank YOU for listening! If you’ve enjoyed the show today, don’t forget to help me out. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts! When you subscribe, it helps to make the show easier for other job seekers to find the show!
by Angela Copeland | May 26, 2020 | Coronavirus, Headhunter, Podcast, Recruiter
We’re here with another great bonus episode! This week, we talk with AJ Vollmoeller in Philadelphia, PA.
AJ is the President of Future Force Staffing and the author of How to NOT Get Hired.

On today’s episode, AJ shares:
- How to job search during COVID
- What interviews and onboarding look like in today’s remote world
- Tips for getting a job, and what not to do – including resume tips!
Listen and learn more! You can play the podcast here, or download it on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.
To learn more about AJ’s work, check out his website at, or on Instagram as @aj_vollmoeller.
Thank YOU for listening! If you’ve enjoyed the show today, don’t forget to help me out. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts! When you subscribe, it helps to make the show easier for other job seekers to find the show!
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