Have you ever heard that companies don’t hire over the holidays? Me too. I’ve heard it more times than I can count. Many job seekers make the decision to pause their job search around Thanksgiving. They wait to restart it after the New Year, because they assume that the search is a waste of time.

These job seekers could be right. On average, there is less hiring during the holiday season. There are definitely more layoffs as we get closer to the end of the year.

But, there may be another side to consider. As a job seeker, over the years, I have received more job offers in November and December than any other time of the year. It has truly surprised me each time it has happened.

Here’s my theory on why this has happened. First, employers are hiring throughout the year. Yes, there may be fewer job postings near the end of the year, but I suspect that jobs posted at the end of the year are roles that the company definitely wants to fill.

Because many job seekers put their job searches on hold during the holidays, I suspect the competition may be less intense. In other words, you may find yourself competing with fewer resumes during December.

In addition, if a company is going to the trouble to post a job and to interview for it during the holidays, the company really wants to fill the role. They aren’t posting just to see what’s out there. They aren’t trying to waste your time.

Speaking of timing, companies who are hiring near the end of the year are often looking for the next year to start out strong. They hope that the candidate they hire will start their new job in January. So, interviews are less likely to be delayed or to go on for months.

We are all busy during the holiday season. But, if you are in need of a job, I would encourage you to keep an eye on the latest job postings. Don’t assume companies won’t hire during December. They do it every day.

Think of it like going to work out at the gym during December. In December, the gym is empty. There’s peace and quiet. There’s little competition for the equipment. The gym is yours.

But, the minute January first rolls around, the gym is packed. Everyone has a new goal. You have to wait in line. It’s an entirely different experience.

The same thing is true for job searching. Get out there while everyone else is distracted. Show your next company that you’re serious, and that you are ready to start off the New Year strong. A little work this year can go a long way at laying your foundation for a successful 2025.

It’s time to revise your resume, update your LinkedIn, and begin to attend networking events. Keep hope about your job search this holiday season!

I hope these tips have helped you. Visit CopelandCoaching.com to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.

Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If you’ve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in iTunes or Stitcher.

Happy hunting!

Angela Copeland


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