The past month has been a whirlwind! First, there was the move. Then, I had the opportunity to speak on the radio and TV about topics like applying via Snapchat (who knew!), and to share my career advice in a number of online publications, including Glassdoor, CNBC, and Society for Human Resources Management.
I also had a chance to interview former Starbucks President Howard Behar, career author Caroline Dowd-Higgins, and human resources expert Jennifer McClure. And, if you missed it, I chatted with the head of HR at Indeed.com (the #1 job search website), Paul Wolfe, back in June.
It’s been a great, exciting time. Below is a review of the month and what to look for in August. I hope you’ll find this content fun and informative.
Coming in August!
Friday, August 11th – I’ll be presenting at the Memphis Public Library about updating your resume.
Saturday, August 19th – I’ll be presenting at the 2017 Modern Day Women’s Conference about marketing yourself, and finding a new job in the current market.
July in Review
If you haven’t had a chance to check out my TEDx Talk, you can watch it here. The title of my talk is “How I broke the rules & found my perfect job.” It was a great opportunity to share my personal career experience and what I learned along the way.
 The digital age of hiring, Wreg (web) – McDonald’s is hiring 250,000 new employees this summer with the help of Snapchat. I got a chance to talk about what it means on Live @ 9, and whether or not you should be searching for a job on social media.
 Everything you need to nail your informational interview, CNBC – You may not have been on one (or even heard the term before), but an informational interview can be your ace in the hole during the job seeking process.
 9 Skills You Need to Master Before You Become a Manager, Glassdoor.com – There’s no doubt that being a manager has its perks — increased prestige, recognition from upper management, and a higher paycheck among them.
 Employers Are Using Snapchat to Reach Generation Z, Society for Human Resource Management – After just four weeks of running a series of ads that prompted Snapchat users to swipe to the McDonald’s careers page, the fast food chain has received 35 percent more job applications as compared to this time last year.
 9 Things You Need to Stop Doing if You Want to Be Taken Seriously, Glassdoor.com – Want to be known as a rockstar around your office? Here’s a tip: to really earn a stellar reputation, you can’t just do your individual tasks well.
 Usual Suspects Permeate 2017 Top Employer Rankings, Society for Human Resources Management – It has become something of an aspirational refrain in the business world: Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google. The ubiquitous tech juggernauts dominate the rankings of the most attractive companies for job seekers. I provided my perspective on what it means to the future of job searching.
 Breaking the Rules to Find Your Perfect Job, Recruiter.com – In your career, things don’t always work out the way you plan them to. In my piece on Recruiter.com, I share a little bit about how I was able to find my path.
 Tech Jobs Tour, TechJobsTour.com – I participated in the Tech Jobs Tour as a mentor. This tour is traveling the country, so check it out to see when it’s coming to your city.
I hope these tips have helped you. Visit CopelandCoaching.com to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Visit CopelandCoaching.com to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.
Angela Copeland
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