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Featured Job: Director of Client Services @ Sq1

Sq1 is seeking a Director of Client Services in Portland, OR.

This rapidly growing and very cool agency is hiring for a full-time DCS in Portland. This position is being added because of growing business and will be a critical role to the agency. This job requires the ability to oversee the company’s relationship with clients and ensure their satisfaction. Exceptional communication skills are a must as this position is responsible for addressing any concerns or issues that a client has. This is a dream job for ad agency enthusiasts looking for the next step in their career and the opportunity to be a part of an amazing advertising agency. The Director of Client Services is a management-level position and requires expertise in client acquisition, development and retention. This person supports executive leadership and supervises the assigned members of the Account Management team.

To learn more, or to apply online, visit the Sq1 website here.

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