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Featured Job: Director of Digital Analytics & Insights @ Elite SEM

Elite SEM is seeking a Director of Digital Analytics & Insights in multiple states.

The Digital Analytics & Insights Director will be a data-driven expert but also strategic and can see the big picture. You will be responsible for researching, analyzing, and reporting on data generated through Elite SEM’s SEM & SEO service offerings & client-provided data. A successful candidate will be well-rounded and knowledgeable in Google AdWords, Analytics, SEO, and emerging media channels. This is a unique opportunity to grow and develop Elite SEM’s analytics team from ground up! You will conduct extensive digital marketing reporting and analysis work including multi-channel reporting, media mix modeling and forecasting, cross-channel campaign and promotion analyses, gap/variance analyses on all major marketing KPIs; identify opportunities to help clients create significant value from their  analytics infrastructure; and manage and drive divisional staffing needs to ensure appropriate alignment with client needs while managing against aggressive growth goals and agency margin expectations.

To learn more, or to apply online, visit the Elite SEM website here.


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