Episode 49 of the Copeland Coaching Podcast is now live! With graduation season just around the corner, this week’s episode is a rebroadcast of my first ever podcast where I interviewed Amy Ware from Christian Brothers University.

Amy is the Director of Career Services at Christian Brothers University in Memphis, Tennessee. I sat down with Amy to get her perspective on the job search process.

amy ware rebroadcast
In my interview, Amy shares tips on job searching, dressing for success, and nailing the interview. If you’ve ever had questions about what you should or shouldn’t wear to an interview, this podcast is for you! Amy also gives great tips on what to do after an interview to follow up with employers and to increase your chances of getting the job.

You can listen to the podcast in two ways. First, it’s available for download on Apple Podcasts. You can also listen on Sticher. So, whether you want to listen on your desktop, laptop, mobile phone, or tablet, you’re covered! Listen from wherever, whenever.

If this is your first time to listen to a podcast on Apple Podcasts, you may not see the episode above listed right away. If you’re having trouble, search for “the podcast app” in the App Store. After you download The Podcast App, you can search for the “Copeland Coaching Podcast.” You should then be able to view the podcast episode for download. Once you download it, you can begin listening!

I hope you will enjoy this episode of the Copeland Coaching Podcast. Tune in each Tuesday for a new podcast and expert guest. We will be discussing everything from getting an interview, switching career fields, offer negotiation, and finding happiness at work.

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