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In our relationships, especially the personal ones, we often ignore the signs. We hope things will get better and they usually do. When it comes to love, it can at times be better to let things slide at first in hopes that they’ll work out.

But, when it comes to work, this philosophy can leave you blind-sided and without a job. I once had a friend whose entire department had been eliminated. They were the only survivor, and their office had been moved into a storage area. Fortunately, they got out just in time, but if any additional months had gone by, I’m not sure what might have happened.

Waiting until you lose your job to find another takes away your power. It leaves you helpless and desperate for anything. You’re not able to effectively negotiate and it’s unlikely your salary will grow at your new job.

Here are a few of the signs to watch for:

  • Your position has been what’s called “layered.” Suddenly, there’s another layer of management between you and your boss, and you’re reporting to someone else; someone lower in position.
  • You’ve been demoted. You’ve been moved into another role that’s more junior, or have been given a less significant title in your same role.
  • Responsibilities are slowly being taken away from you.
  • You’ve received a pay cut.
  • You haven’t been given a bonus you were expecting.
  • You didn’t get a raise when everyone else on your team did.
  • You’re not being invited to meetings anymore.
  • Your boss is beginning to send e-mails documenting all sorts of complaints about your work that you’ve never heard before.
  • After years of great performance reviews, you’ve suddenly started receiving negative reviews.
  • Your boss has left the company and your new boss doesn’t seem to be as “into you” or your work.
  • Your department is losing money, people, and power within the organization.

What should you do when you see these signs? They’re good to take note of for your own sake. When you begin to notice the writing on the wall, it’s time to take a proactive stance. Brush off your resume, begin networking, and look around you for new opportunities outside of your current organization.

Whatever you do, don’t wait on your company to decide what they think about you. Decide what you think about your situation, and act! It will save you significant heartache in the long run. And, chances are good that if you act fast enough, you’ll end up on top, possibly making more money in a better job!

For more tips on what to do when you find yourself suddenly without a job, be sure to download tomorrow’s Copeland Coaching Podcast. I will interview Jim Simpson, an employment attorney from Allen Summers law firm. Jim has many great suggestions on what to do, and how to completely avoid a potentially negative workplace situation.

I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.

Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If you’ve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.

Happy hunting!

Angela Copeland


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