The Community Alliance for the Homeless is seeking an Executive Director in Memphis, TN.
This position is the chief professional and operating officer of the Community Alliance for the Homeless and is accountable to the Board of Directors for the Community Alliance for the Homeless. The Executive Director has overall responsibility for planning, developing, acquiring funding, and establishing policies and objectives in accordance with board directives and organizational charter.
- This is the top and highest paid executive in the organization.
- Reports to the board of directors and is a non-voting member of the board.
- Responsible for the profitability and viability of the organization.
- Confers with organization officials to plan objectives, to develop organizational policies, to coordinate functions and operations, and to establish responsibilities and procedures for attaining objectives.
- Reviews activity reports and financial statements to determine progress and status in obtaining objectives and revises objectives in accordance with current conditions.
- Directs and coordinates formulation of financial programs to provide funding for new and/or continuing operations to maximize returns on investments, and to increase productivity.
- Oversees the planning and developing of operational and public relations policies designed to maintain and improve the organization’s image and relations with employees, stakeholders, and the public.
- Evaluates the performance of employees for compliance with established policies and meeting organizational objectives.
- Prepares for and oversees board of directors meetings.
- Directs Alliance’s major duties: management of multi-partner initiatives including the Memphis Strong Families Initiative, 100,000 Homes Campaign, and Project Homeless Connect; preparing the annual Homeless Needs Assessment; operating the Homeless Management Information System; preparing and submitting the annual HUD application for Continuum of Care funding for Memphis; operating a service providers network known as the Memphis and Shelby County Consortium; and helping implement the Action Plan to End Homelessness in Memphis and Shelby County including staffing the Mayors’ Committee to End Homelessness.
To learn more, or to apply online, visit the Community Alliance for the Homeless posting here.
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