My latest Memphis Daily News column is out, “Outlasting Outdated Industries.” In it, I provide advice on how to avoid becoming an obsolete part of the workforce.

One result of technological advances is a change in the way we do business. Sometimes this change results in new jobs, but often, it can also result in job loss.

Have you ever had the sense your job might be going away soon? Maybe you’ve noticed your industry is declining and being replaced by another. When this happens, you should pay attention.

I once met someone who had been laid off from their job multiple times. At each company, they would do a great job. But, eventually, their department would be eliminated. The person would see it coming every time. Unfortunately, rather than act, they would patiently wait for the axe to drop. This took away their power and left them feeling helpless.

To read my entire article and learn how you can avoid becoming outdated, visit the Memphis Daily News site here.


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